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Wait, are the grey CDs just duds?
I doubt you are at a deficit for music ideas in this game, Gorsal, but if you ever ARE, maybe you could throw in that Tom Guycott track from TRSodius (Talk about something I have to think about working on again. DX ). Don't know how well it fits though, probably decently enough. xD
(12-07-2010, 10:05 PM)GorsŁ« Gors Wrote: [ -> ]updatin'
You might be asking 'what are those CD cases?'. I thought that you could get CDs in-game (like SSBB) to increase the music list. Those CD cases show up on SOUND TEST option.
further explanation on the newest version of the txt.
Also WIP bosses.
Aww come on, can't you make me normal for once?
what's the fun of making you normal anyway?~~
Dazz-boss added. He attacks by shooting his cap like a boomerang.
two new mugshots added
Just noticed that 1-up is airhumping.
(12-12-2010, 11:43 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]too many blue people
You know, that can be easily fixed~
I'd like to be on this project, I can contribute with sprites, and leave suggestions if needed.
take the colors in paint, and swap them out..its like a 2 second job.
Kosh should be yellow, we need more of them.
(12-14-2010, 10:20 AM)Lexou Wrote: [ -> ]Kosh should be yellow, we need more of them.
im down for being a yellow jumper
yellow jumper like april o' neil
Music is gold, love it. Say, how many tracks will there be for this game?
I think this is what consensual sex love feels like.
Hey! I'm on an album cover! and the musics even better than seeing myself there.
this looks fun.
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