Anyway, I found out never to use kitchen utensils to kill yourself. The sight of a knife plunging through your chest or neck is enough to make you cringe. My chest is still sore from the stab wound. Oh, and drowning in chocolate isn't all it's cracked up to be. when you resurface, dead, you have to get lifeguards to lick the solidified chocolate off your body. When I awake my body was sticky from saliva...
my mom burned all my video games so in three days i'm going to burn all of her pet hamsters and then
k,ill myself by jumping in front of a speeding trains
people don't kill themselves. true fact.
facts don't exist, only interpretations do. concept (i didn't put true because i could put its truth in question).

I think the most efficient way is to shoot yourself from the bottom of the jaw. There's no skull to go through, so the bullet enters your brain quick enough for you to not feel anything.
In any case, the manliest way to kill yourself is to bang your head repetitively against the sidewalk.
i didnt mean for this to happen
Oh well
Tomorrow I'm going to see how many bones I can break by jumping off my trampoline. Hopefully if I land on my head Ill die again
(12-04-2010, 03:28 PM)munky cheez Wrote: [ -> ]i didnt mean for this to happen
how are you posting if you're banned
wait a minute
Wut? why i would suicide?
(What i have to put here? Oh, USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
(12-07-2010, 07:39 PM)Kazuma Wrote: [ -> ]Wut? why i would suicide? 
If you have to ask, kill yourself.
I had an ex who threatened suicide if I broke up with her. Twice.
this is murderbeard s. rabidbaboy's mother, rapesideburns s. rabidbaboy
not only did he kill himself this morning
but he also
burned fluffy, lancelot, cheeks, and mr. snuggleface
im daltonic shutup