Seriously, the next time somebody hosts a contest, MAKE A POLL FOR IT.
>_> That aside, you've had two months to finish it. You have seven days to vote from today. On the 8th day, the winner will make a contest topic. SO all of you in the running, get started on thinking about topics.
Now, you silly asses, vote, I'm going to hunt down Omega and pistolwhip him some more.
You shouldnt be able to warn someone for not making a poll for a competition :/
Everyone else had the opporitunity to do it. Just, no one did :p
Anyways, SSbkid gets my vote.
Fine, but dang. That took too long to collect and make. I know I skipped some people, but yanno, there's only so many allowable poll entries.
Someone tell link guy for the next compo that you arent supposed to vote for yourself :E

sry i didn't know
Didn't even realize this Compo had happened.
Anyway, voted for 1UP.
Holy crap. Gizmonicgamer...that is an awesome Mega Man. I guess that's my vote.
I narrowed it down from: First Glance>Enlarged>Coloring>Detail>and got down to the very last one, technique, which BaB one by a small margin. It was pretty close between ssbkid and BaB.
It was close between BaB, SSBKid, 1up, and Giz.
Voting nears completion, 1 more day and the winner will be permitted to make a topic which will be pinned.
So far it looks like a close race between Gizmonicgamer and SSBKid. I shall alert them of their status so they are aware of it and can get started on the next contest. If the winner declines to show up, the runner-up will be allowed. Should they both be unable to come up with a new contest, I will bring it up with the staff to discuss where we go from there.
lets see... the blinking/talking pit stands out quite a bit. however, so does the megaman. very detailed.

Baddassbills pit is also nice..... HARD DECISION. im gonna have to go with ssb kids pit.