Apparently using premade loops from Apple is super creative.
No, but I got a downrep with that link in it.
no, this is a different video made in response to us still calling him uncreative
Obviously you're not cool enough B)
Me and viper are top tier.
Oh, then luckily enough, he didn't care enough to send it to me, fine by me.
I didn't get it, I guess PJAMA doesn't care about me

where's that suicide thread
what is this vid supposed to do?
pajama got mad because we said he had no creativity
he then downrepped a bunch of people (including me and gillian) and sent a link to a youtube video in which he took a bad song that he didnt make and put it on a badly edited sequence of random meme videos that he also didn't make
we then told him that he still has no creativity, so he sent this PM to a video of a "song" made of of premade apple loops
in other words, something he didn't make himself
thus cementing the fact that he has no creativity whatsoever
that drawing is kinda cute
also didnt know there was a pt skin
(has been in and out the forum ignoring new features)
fun fact: he didn't make the drawing
oh I sure as hell know that
(was ignoring the subject of the thread)
i deleted most of the downreps anyway.
we never get hilariously dumb members anymore, though