Verdana Size 7 is what you should use for the icon title text. Nothing else. No Arial, No size 6, no size 9.
If he is unable to fix the text on the icons then I'll probably fix them myself and upload them.
Why would he not be able to select the correct font and size? It's not like Verdana was something exotic, either.
I see that "Alex Kidd" and "Enemies" from the first post have been uploaded with the white-instead-of-gray text...

Well I posted the link to the in-browser version of the icon maker twice and he hadn't said anything about it so I didn't want to try and push anything.
It is definitely easier than making them by hand, if he wonders though.
Also Ton probably uploaded those. He doesn't really care (or doesn't notice) as long as the text is close enough and not glaringly wrong.

Fixed the icons myself and uploaded everything except Lassic since it still needs to be re-uploaded because of being shrunk.
Try or imgur.
Lassic Fixed!
And sorry about the icons >.<
Great it's up.