I can't figure out how to beat Fatman again.

Birdman's Beak Blaster is ineffective.
Look good and colorful, definitely. Good job, Smithy!
The boss from Bloodlines isn't called Mecha-Knight, it's called Armor Battler, it's name is in the ending credits. I know it's listed in the manual (only the US manual, none of the others had it) as such but the picture of it is reused from Castlevania Adventure (it's Evil Armor's picture).
Wow, you've been busy! Awesome job!
SOTN and TOP...
SOTN doesn't have "Castlevania" written on it, and TOP is stretched to hell
Also, Smithy, from the point when you posted those section tags onwards, can you zip them and send them to me? There's... A lot. And I don't want to have to name all the files again - The upload site you use removes the filenames.
Well, sure. But Symphony doesn't have Castlevania in the title due to the fact that I can't find a way to fit it in.

If you know of a way, let me know.
ToP is stretched as it is because I can't find the proper screen resolution for my emulator no matter what advise I've followed.
I'll zip them up for you especially for the reason that picoodle fudges with the file names.
Whoa. Excellent work cranking out these rips.