(08-03-2008, 03:19 PM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]At the very least, a hurt pose...
It already has one, the top right pose.
(08-04-2008, 06:42 PM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]...That's a hurt pose?
Yes cant you see that his tail is up and his eyes look like they are hurt, also the mouth is looks like he is in pain.
Yeah, I can see and agree. That's a hurt pose.
And for the hurt pose, shouldn't he get hit backwards or something. If you get hurt, your not just going to have eye motion, and nothing else.
I don't know man, I think you need a bit more poses.
Good job though.
For jumping, can you not have him jump into the enemy using the side view, and the rotation that ML
S is famed for?
For the hurt poses, would it not move, or atleast look in a dispositioned state? Like, arching back?
It actually looks pretty cool...
Hehe, this looks great. READY FOR SUBMISSION!
The AA makes the outline look horrible. The point of the AA is to make it smooth.
Also it has like 2 poses, and little edits made to them to make the sheet seem bigger.
It's a minor character. Does it need that many poses?
I'm just saying, why not?
(08-10-2008, 10:52 AM)sky_blue_wiggler Wrote: [ -> ]ooohhh
Well, all it lacks is overworld, thats all, I couldn't make it work.