Original Thread:
[GBA] Zelda ALTTP/FS Startup
Hey guys. I've got another sheet for you. As I haven't seen that stuff on the site, I thought I'd rip it myself.
What I mean is the startup of A Link To The Past / Four Swords, that GBA game. Intro screens, the background, language selection, slot selection, name entry, whatnot. There you go. :ß
Please excuse me for the blank spaces.
I've got yet another sheet you may like. This time, it's the Game Selection where you choose whether you want to play A Link To The Past of Four Swords.
Second Update:
This time I'm brining you what I promised... the Palace of the Four Sword.
I didn't put on all sprites of the Four Sword 'Links' in every palette of theirs, as there wasn't enough space - I would have had to make the sheet bigger and therefor would have had even more blank space. I hope it's okay this way.
PS: Links removed as this stuff is on the site now. Find it yourself

Good job!

wow, nice.
but... why are all of the Hero's Keys the same color?
Yeah, that's important. But nifty. Permission to use for my WIP (see below)?
With the Hero's keys you mean the key Icons of Four Swords, right, HylianFox? The ones I've got in gold, silver and bronze. You know, I think that's how they are.
It's long ago that I've played Four Swords, as I have only one copy of the game (And I can't emulate multiple GBAs on my PC, as it's too slow). So I can't be sure, of course. But one Slot on my Game has the three Keys, and all are silver. But whatever... the point is that I think that there are only the three colors (gold, silver and bronze) for the keys.
Sure you can use them, Miles07. :]
Updated the first post with some new rip.
Well, the Keys for Four Swords actually come out in Silver, Gold, and Hero. There's no bronze. The Hero Keys are different colors (Green for the Sea of Trees level, Red for Death Mountain, and Blue for Talus Cave), not one single one.
BTW, thanks.
Also, how do you get the "gold sword" thing right next to the other Four Sword upgrades?
Thenks, I'll look at that and will update as soon as I finished it. Shouldn't take long. Green, See of Trees, red, Death Mountain, Blue, Talus Cave.
I found the sword in the tile viewer and thought I'd put it on as well, why not.
Mr.Ed: It's Updated now. :ß
BanefulKid Wrote:I found the sword in the tile viewer and thought I'd put it on as well, why not.
really? Hmm, that's strange and nifty. Also, you're missing the Question Mark icon that shows you can start the lumberjack's Riddle Quest.
And what do you mean, "Mr. Ed"?
"Mr.Ed" means "Edit".
You get the golden Sword Icon after collection all three Hero Keys and beating Vatii.
I'll add the Questionmark Icon. Didn't know it existed *cough*
[By the way, I'm also trying to rip the Palace of the Four Swords (ALTTP)]

Okay, good luck with that.
And thanks for the ? icon.
I believe the Golden Sword icon appears after you've gotten everything. i.e, Beating ALttP, Beating FS on Hero difficulty, solving all of the Lumberjack's riddles, and beating the Palace of the Four Sword.
Also, how do you play FS on an emulator without other players? Or can you?
No$GBA. Or Tile Molester. Take your pick.
Well, this isn't a request, but since you're one this game...
There's virtually nothing from the GBA version of ALTTP on the site, and the Four Swords stuff that is on the site are all colored horribly. Perhaps you could, uh, help TSR by solving both problems, Previous?
There are also game link versions of our beloved VisualBoy Advance.
Anyways, I'm not playing Four Swords on my computer, as it's too slow to run multiple Emulators at the same time.
I don't know whether I'll do anything else after the Palace. I can say, thought, that I'll noit be ripping Four Swords stuff in the near future, due to my computer. Maybe I'll do some Past stuff, but I'm not sure. The Palace is already drawing me to my limits with all those bastard enemys - I still have to rip the four Links, what will be some X in the Y...
Update! The Palace of the Four Sword is open for inspection!

Awesome. That sheet has pretty much everything from PotFS.
And I'll give that a try, I've used VBA in the past for getting some Kirby stuff.