Since the awesome Pokemon pictures thread was redone a week or two ago, I thought Id post this again since it's been seven months since the last one
ATM mines Pelipper
And beyond that, maybe Drifloon or that weird chandelier ghost Pokemon from Black and White.
Ampharos and Kuitaran are -probably- my favorites
I also like Gallade, Heracross, Poliwhirl/wrath, Typhlosion, Hihidaruma, Breloom, Camerupt, Yanmega, Quagsire, that electric fish eel thing from gen 5
and a lot more I'm sure
Raichu, Porygon Z, Alakazam, Sneasel, Jigglypuff, Pichu, and Jumpluff.
And Mewtwo, of course. Who doesn't like Mewtwo?
Absol, Ludicolo, Snorlax, Vespiquen, Slowking
Tyranitar, I like more Pokemon, but Tyranitar is my second best Pokemon on SS ( Not including Legendary's, Mewtwo is level 70 ), 1st is Feraligatr ^^.
Uhhhh... it's really hard for me to narrow it down. Arceus, Kokoromori, basically every ghost Pokemon and a lot of grass types. And then because I'm a huge dork, if I hatch a shiny or something I wind up falling in love with it.
![[Image: kurumiru.gif]](
Kurumiru is my Favorite Pokemon!!!!!!!!
Oshawott, Infernape, Venusaur, Elekid, Honchkrow, Cranidos, Mamepato, Mebujika, Emonga, Gengar, Nidorino, Miltank, and Sableye.
Snorlax, Honchkrow, Aerodactyl, Miltank, Espeon, Lapras, Tsunbeaa, Ursaring, Torterra, Ditto
oh god so many. That's just my very very top
my top four Pokemon are Poliwhirl, Exeggutor, Magmortar, and Porygon2. They will always be the best.