Huntail. Hands down.
But besides that are Porygon-Z, Haunter, Shedinja, Cresselia, Hypno, Flygon, Kingdra, Cradily and Drapion
![[Image: breloom_by_SailorClef.jpg]](
That and Scyther, Blastoise/Wartortle/Squirtle, Tryanitaur.
None of you said Zangoose.
You guys have no taste.
Blue shinies and Shimama (Blue shinies include Zangoose, Tay-Tay)
zangoose is okay
looks too much like a cat not enough mongoose
Oshawott, Zangoose, and Cyndaquil.
(01-06-2011, 05:16 PM)Afrodisiac Wrote: [ -> ]zangoose is okay
looks too much like a cat not enough mongoose
looks too much like a gonna fuck you up
![[Image: zangoose_by_nightmarelover.jpg]](

mine is ditto and yamma
Aipom, Ambipom, Infernape, And Pansage, (Im a monkey guy)
Smeargle, Breloom, and Hitomtop are my other favs.
![[Image: goruugu_by_goldenpika-d34lgow.png]](
look at this thing and try to tell me it doesn't look like it'll fuck you up
My top six will always be Jigglypuff, Togepi, Machoke, Squirtle, Misdreavus, and Pikachu
Look at this pokemon
they couldn't make toys out of it because they knew it would cause children to plug it into power outlets
even a toy version of this pokemon can kill children
it will really fuck you up
nidoking and gyarados.