(01-05-2011, 02:55 AM)Deleted Sarcasm Wrote: [ -> ]Huntail. Hands down.
But besides that are Porygon-Z, Haunter, Shedinja, Cresselia, Hypno, Flygon, Kingdra, Cradily and Drapion
Deoxys, Nidoking, Kyogre, mewtwo, Kabutops, Togekiss, Hitmonchan, Luxray and Scizor
Beedrill and vaporeon be pretty gangsta
Aianto stylin right past them bitches, tho
Ditto, Smeargle, Raikou, Miltank, Sceptile, Swampert, Spinda, Latios, Combee, Purugly, Honchkrow, Vespiquen, Reuniclus...GASP...and Zekrom
Did anyone say Sceptile yet?
croagunk, heracross, metagross.
specially metagross
my favorite mawile and weavile
I don't know why, but i like Diglett and Gengar.
And Mewto and Darkrai are cool, too.
My top 10 favorate pokemon are
1. Mew
2. Hitmonchan
3. Alakazam
4. Breloom
5. Tyranitar
6. Charmander
7. Giratina
8. Rayquaza
9. Ampharos
10 Magmotor
I like many Pokemon, but my top three would probably be:
Qwilfish (so what?)
(03-21-2011, 02:02 PM)Ike Wrote: [ -> ]I like many Pokemon, but my top three would probably be:
Qwilfish (so what?)
To each their own, I dont care for Qwilfish myself, but like I said their your choices so don't feel ashamed
Galvantula is cool I do like him
1. Bulbasaur
2. Exploud
3. Sneasel
this. this is my favorite pokemon thread.
My favorites...
Shiny Zoruas are pretty awesome, and i always loved shaymin, Gallades are cool too, and oh yeah:
So I herd u liek mudkipz?