Those who have visited Board2, Sprite.Inc and Rockman Perfect Memories should know Megaman Odyssey by Kuja Killer.
Megaman Odyssey is a project, which began several years ago at the same time when the development of Megaman Forever and Megamn Ultra 2 started.
Kuja Killer had finished two Robot Masters along with their levels years ago. However he stucks now, because he lacks the sprites for the Necro Man Levels and his partner MegamanOmega seems to ceased the work on that project. He is a formidable programmer with Megaman 3, but he is such a softie that he gives up to fast. Hence he is to shy to ask and bother anyone for help, I decided to do for him the search for more supporters which are really willing to help. Also I am a spriter for his cause, but it is often not enough.
For the new ones here, who don't know Megaman Odyssey here videos.
Megaman Odyssey Demo - Boltman
Megaman Odyssey Demo - Inside Boltman's Tower
Megaman Odyssey Demo - Duplex Man Part 1
Megaman Odyssey Demo - Duplex Man Part 2a
Megaman Odyssey Demo - Duplex Man Part 2b
So, are some of you interrested to participate?
What we need are sprite designers, which actually want to see this game to be finished.
Project looks interesting. Unfortunately, most of us are already busy with projects of our own.

Oh well, it seems it can't be helped then.
What you could do, without to design sprites and tiles at all, is to tell me which games made use of ruined modern/futuristic cities.
I would appreciate any game you could call.^^
NES' Journey to Silius had good futuristic and ruined city tiles.
Also the NES Bat Man game had some good graphics.
Thank you for these wonderful suggestions. Megaman-Omega might be happy about them.^^
There are things which we still need for the first level.
Megaman-Omega Wrote:- A sunset
- A "hotel" interior (just a hallway would do)
- An elevator and elevator shaft
- And possibly a ruined elevator (I might be able to find something broken and work it into a broken elevator but I don't know what I'm getting into there)
If know games which contains the necessary tiles from 8-16bit, just call them.^^
I watched the video, that's pretty smooth. Boltman's stage and gameplay are very cool. Kudos
The first video's foreground colors look to similar to the red. It makes it hard to distinguish. Now, when it goes underground, it's not a problem at all, everything is crystal clear and all that stuff, it just bugs me when he's above ground :X
This looks amazing by the way~
Wow... I thought the interrest for the project died.
Nevertheless we would still appreciate help from you guys.
From my point of view it is still distinguish from the real ground.
For those who were wondering. The project is fine and dandy as we got from deviantArt outstanding graphic designers for the project. Also a noteable change has occurred. The ruined city is now a ghost city.
However we would now appreciate, those with ideas and advice to improve the levels we are going to do. Also some hackers who are capable to change music would be welcome into the project.
We are still on Necro Man, but it would be a pleasure if we can finish it sooner, before we meet the supposed end of the world at 2012.
If you want to join, come to this place:
The forum appears like nothing, but it has a hidden subforum and you need my approval to get in.
We are recently confronted with a crisis.
While he have now the spriters to do the job the main head of the Megaman Odyssey Project Kuja Killer is overwhelmed by his own needs for the project, because as the only one to program the game is even for him a great burden.
In fact we require now assistance from freelancer hackers, who can help us with programming the AI of Bosses and Enemies for example.
If you know someone who knows someone that this person is capable to program NES games or at least is able to reprogramm enemies, programming events or is able to programm effects like that from an elevator or an effect like flickering air, please tell me of your assosiates, which can help us to move on the project.
We do not wish to let it end in development hell.
If you wish to help, please help us by finding those skilled people and tell them of this project. They would take away a bit of that burden which Kuja Killer wears.
Hi there. Megaman Odyssey is still kicking, but we have been very slow up till now. We have now plenty graphic designers, but what we lack now is a level designer, who can also place enemies well. Mineyl, which is normally our man for the job, is caught up now in many so events, he cannot find any time to work on our project anymore.
What we need is something like this.
A blue print, so to speak. We need such a layout, before we can go into the graphic creating process. We are limited regarding tiles and such, so it is good to have a level layout at hand, which gives us ideas what kind of tiles we are going to create.
Anyone who is interrested to be our level designer, may send me a PM.
I and Megaman-Omega will decide then, if you are the level designer we are looking for. One thing we will ask, is what you have done before regarding level design. Depending on what you have you might get in or not.
well im interested im a good levcel designer too.
ps: can i do the wily machines with you?
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