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Sorry Gorsalad, I would have liked to do so from the beginning, but the situation is kinda complicated, since Infidelity wants to work inside the limitations, without to rewrite everything. The right side of the Item Get sprite is actually a reused part of the walking frames. As for the Triforce Get/Holding Up sprite, it's left side reuses the frame from the Item Get Sprite. It is difficult to create in these limits consistent sprites.
I tried my luck nontheless just for you now.
I do not want to push him. I argued with him two days back about the position of the sword during the attack and he made his point very clear that he hates to rewrite his swiping ASM just to adjust the sword properly to Link's hand as I have shown you them on the spritesheet.
He doesn't want to argue about this any further. I have to work within the limits, no ifs, no buts. If I push him, he might cancel the project out of frustation and this is what I want to avoid.
The same thing happened with his Megaman Ultra 2 Project. THe people pushed him and as a result the game is in development hell.
There we go, the fourth box in the middle row looks the best.
Time now to move to the moblins, except they are not. They are Goukiblins for the Legend of Link Project.
Goukiblins are the newest bred of demons who serve the Demonking Ganon. While they look similiar to their relatives, they possess a greater malificious intellect, which easly suceeds those from the other lesser demons as they can plot and scheme extremely well. What keeps them from overthrowing their own Demonking is that they are extremely loyal to him, not out of fear, but out of admiration.
They all wear in combat heavy armor and use crossbows for combat, which are inbuilt in the gauntlets they wear. Because their crossbows are hidden, they can easly assassinate their opponents by surprise.
Edit: Before I completely forget to tell you, they are meant to be different as I couldn't think of anything better for to improve the LA/OoA/OoS designs. Instead I reimagined them as competent, military organized soldiers for the demon tribe.
Edit2: The red Goukiblin is now complete.
Please, do not bring them up again. They are my past's shame and disgrace, as they are not even properly done as edits. Instead, please comment about my recent work.
(03-20-2013, 06:45 AM)Thanatos-Zero Wrote: [ -> ]Please, do not bring them up again. They are my past's shame and disgrace, as they are not even properly done as edits. Instead, please comment about my recent work.
why are you being so negative about them? I really love those edits of Zero. they are awesome. You shouldnt be so negative about your own work, you probably worked on them for a very long time, you should be proud of your work.
(03-20-2013, 10:55 PM)chaoswarrior128 Wrote: [ -> ]why are you being so negative about them?
They are flawed and edited with less experience. Just let this old shame of mine rest in peace, okay?
Now back to the present.
I need some criticism for my Goukiblin. Since they are going into a game, I need your green light, your approval, otherwise it would be a grave mistake to insert them into the game project.
I have waited a whole week for your feedback and since nobody replied to them, I have to conclude that those newer sprites are failures and therefore not worthy enough to going to be used in the Zelda game Infidelity is developing.
Are my assumptions correct?
if they weren't worthy someone would be more likely to say that there was something wrong, rather than "there's nothing wrong these are good". that's just what happens around here, when people have no crit. for something they're less likely to reply. I personally don't see anything in particular wrong with them, so I think they are good.
also school/spring break, people have been on here less as a whole lately lol.
![[Image: 1A82WUT.png]](
The perspective of the last two frames' "heads" doesn't seem to match, I think either the last frame's front spike should be brought down a pixel, or frame three and four's front spikes a pixel up.
It would be kinda neat if the third frame could have the spikes in a more "closed" position, facing more inward.
As usual omnipotens Progenitor your all seeing keen eyes could spot the flaws I could not.
Thank you very much.
Edit1: The graphic is now in place.
Now time for some peahats.
![[Image: AAYMMuS.png]](
First frame: The side petals don't look round enough while the back one appears too big (maybe making its bottommost white pixels red would already help).
Second frame: The back petals look somewhat big here, too. You could try moving the left- and rightmost ends inwards.
Okay... I hope this will work Previous.
![[Image: gkYgHy9.png]](
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