(01-19-2011, 08:40 PM)valforwing Wrote: [ -> ]I kinda figured the no-pact makeing, but no freeroam? i had trouble fighting till i learned leaned the free roam option.
it's still a pretty cool game. once i'm done with my dissidia leveling up i'll try to get a chance to play it.
ToS was the first 3D Tales game to be released. Free roam was not incorporated yet. (Unless you're talking about Manual)
At least it's not as cheap as Abyss's
Without Free-Roam, you can focus more on Flashy, Moves that require their name called. Instead of running around like a pussy [Which I did A LOT during my first go at DotNW]. It helps when "Pain would only last an instant."
Especially against the fight against Brute. Ran away > Brute Hi-Ougi > Missed me AND my party completely.

Tales of the Abyss looks pretty good. is it also on Wii/Gamecube?
this is what got me into the Tales series
I used to keep this video on a loop while i did my classwork.
personally my faverite type of fighting style is Kingdom Hearts, and Dissidia also is a pretty good one.
I'm not that big of a fan of random battles but I don'nt mind if the game has a long storyline.
I don't mind the cheep kills, because mainly i like to overgrind before a major fight.
Final Fantasy VIII I had a messed up disk 1, it was scatched and would'nt let me leave Balamb Garden, so i trained inside the garden's little monster infested training zone,....until I was level 40....yeah...when i finally got to leave the garden I managed to overkill almost every boss till disk 3.
I've got to get the Tales of Abyss OST, I love the intro song
Abyss is for PS2.
Recurring Theme of Tales Games/OVAs.
There is sort of pact making but its plot based and its just summon spirits. The Japanese PS2 version gave everyone Mystic Artes (Bosses as well) and Sheena's summons count there as Mystic Artes due to the cut-in appearing
Also Abyss is supposedly gonna get a 3DS port if you're interested.

very interested in it. I've got to play abyss.
I;ve got to play all of these games. they look like so much fun.
First 2 exams done. 5 more to go.
(01-20-2011, 12:58 PM)valforwing Wrote: [ -> ]
very interested in it. I've got to play abyss.
I;ve got to play all of these games. they look like so much fun.
You should also watch the OVAs
Also, instead of the pact making of monsters, you get to fight the summon spirits! You should've seen Celcius somewhere in DotNW. The Monster pact making in DotNW, was really a plot point.
Not that I really mind you guys having this kind of a discussion, but I'd prefer if you wanted to keep talking about that you do it in the Gaming Discussion section. I can split part of this thread off to start it if you like, but otherwise this area of the site really needs to be more for submissions than regular chat.

sorry about driveing everything off topic with my stupidity
I should know more things about these games
... I wasn't saying that. Its fine if you want to have a large discussion, just not here in this part of the forum. Alright?
Oh, I just noticed that Emil's model is'nt on the site yet, is something wrong with it?
I guess I missed it. I really thought I had everything uploaded to be honest.
I thought maybe the model i downloaded was'nt complete or something, it's good to know it was completely orhter wise converting it would have been messy.
(01-31-2011, 03:39 PM)valforwing Wrote: [ -> ]I thought maybe the model i downloaded was'nt complete or something, it's good to know it was completely orhter wise converting it would have been messy.
I feel disappoint. I'm not THAT bad of a ripper am I?
Speaking of which, which model should I do next? I want to get the ones that people want the most first.
As I said, never played the game so I can't suggest anything.