wait a sec ...... is the kitty kat the chimera monster or the Katz guild members?
Sorry for the teasers.... but time is not my friend... and All I have right now are pictures showing that they're converted... they just need exporting and texture placement... as well as uploading....*sigh*... I've had so many tests this past week and more coming up this week...
![[Image: katzmember.png]](http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/3739/katzmember.png)
This is a picture of a Katz Member
![[Image: kittykat.png]](http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/8539/kittykat.png)
This is a picture of the monster, Kitty Kat.
it's alright it's fine...though it's ausoem to see these charecters up close for once......i could have sword that the Katz guild members had orange chimera costumes....i know i saw a blue one in the Katz village..maybe they have different jobs depending on the job they have? where do you fight the Kitty Kat it looks like a ninja a little
You know, I am really liking that costume the Katz guy is wearing! As soon as you give us the download link to the model, I think I would like to try to model one myself someday!
Are there anymore Katz in the game, or is this just it?
the katz guild members that show up on the cooking menu have chimera costumes on. but in the village you can see pink and blue Katz members, so i assume there are ALOT more models of them.
Interesting thing about that... There are 3 models of the Katz guild members: The Pink, the Blue, and the Chimera. Any other model you see in the game are scaled models of the Blue and Pink one.
Pink and blue Katz, huh? So, I guess that means there are male and female Katz, huh?
By the way, what exactly does a Chimera Katz look like?
it looks like this
from 2

3 if u pause the screen u should see a yellow Katz with marking and wings like the chimera kitty
also i'm wondering about a monster I have'nt seen yet. there is a giant winged dragon skeleton inside the lab that one of the reserachers mentions is a monster that the katz guild says is a rare species. i thought maybe it was part of a katz quest or something.
Oh, the wings make that Katz guy look like a Moogle. Anyway, thank you for showing me what it looks like, Valfor!
This would be the Chimera Katz.
oh wow that is adorable.....hrm....are the white keyblade shaped things like weapon slots? i notice that alot of the models have them so did the animators put them in so that weapons could be attatched to them more easly?
(03-02-2011, 11:30 PM)valforwing Wrote: [ -> ]oh wow that is adorable.....hrm....are the white keyblade shaped things like weapon slots? i notice that alot of the models have them so did the animators put them in so that weapons could be attatched to them more easly?
I'm not sure why they would need to do that when they could just attach a model to an extra bone on the hand or something, but that could be it. Although I know some older games attach every weapon to a single model such as FF VII.
Hey how about not bumping a 2 month topic.
OP, please PM a member of staff if you want the thread unlocked.