Was supposed to be a secret project, but I don't want to work a month and then find out there was something I missed.
I'm working on a fully custom 3d Marco Rossi
![[Image: rossi32.gif]](http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/176/rossi32.gif)
From Metal Slug.
Ref sheet (based on
WIP shots:
Paintover to show what I'm going for:
![[Image: paintover.png]](http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/9324/paintover.png)
please continue and finish it
This is awesome on so many levels. I have to say, I'm really looking forward to seeing the final product if you decide to finish it.
Yeah, let's hope I can keep motivated. Thanks, guys.

BodyPaint decided to die on me halfway through (when I accidentally exported it to another extension, bleh) , but I have this to show:
![[Image: whodis.png]](http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/6793/whodis.png)
Almost forgot his cleft chin, heh.
Known problems:
1. The ear is more red than anywhere else. Need to use that red in other areas.
2. Eyes look a tad too close to each other.
3. Seams. SEAMS. How I hate you with a passion.
4. Trapezius muscles look wrong
Feel free to crit even the shape of things (that's why I included full body views).
Forgot to show the back, maybe later

Looks incredible so far. I especially love your body texture. I'm excited to see an end result here. I have to ask though, why would you do your first texture wip in grayscale? Wouldn't you just have to paint over it to achieve colors anyway?
The grayscale is actually a hi-res sculpt.
I retopo'd that and got a low-poly version. I was going to just transfer the hi-res details onto the low-res model, but it looked damn ugly.
Besides, that is the 3d equivalent of drawing a vector and then reducing the color to make it look like a sprite, heh.
And I like the look of painted textures better.

![[Image: whodis.png]](http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/6793/whodis.png)
Hi I have no life
Seriously dude, get a polycount account.
Last time I lurked, their posts were months old.

I go to GameArtisans.
Will check it out.
Please just see their "Mobile & webgaming, post your lowpoly art here" thread. I should duplicate it here, btw
![[Image: marcol.png]](http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/6663/marcol.png)
Ah nice start with the pants/boots. So are you going to paint the belt on too?
Might add some floating geometry for the belt, since it doesn't really look good painted.
Forgot to mention, notice how the shape of the pants are fixed a little (compare the last two images).
Haven't started on the boots yet.
Might start making the hair.
Please mentor me on how to use Anim8or (I would use Blender but my laptop is retarded)
Serious post, I really like your style and I've been learning OpenGL ES to develop 3D games
this looks fantastic good job so far