Ok, so I just beat FF1 (Ya... I'm slow

) and when I beat the game and go through the credits it'll say:
Save "Game Clear" Data?
Uh... Do I want that?
Or will my characters all go back to level 1?
Or will I start the game with everything the same?
I'd like the scond option.
Not the first.
Cause I still wanna beat the bonus dungeons.
Can anyone help me out here, and clear this up for me?

Save the data. Basically it's asking you to save so when you go back to the game you can start off after having beaten the boss. Otherwise you'll be playing from your last save - before the boss.
This is all pretty obvious. :V
Well sorry.
The way the game says it, it makes it seem like I'd lose all my data, but keep my Beastiery.
Then I'd play again, and all my characters would be at level 1.
That's what it sounded like to me, so calm down a little o.O
Have you never beaten a game before?
Ya, well, no thanks to you guys, I clicked it anyway.
And guess what?
I was right.
I now have to start a new game and beat FF1 all over again

Thanks a lot guys...
(08-04-2008, 11:11 AM)DarkWalnut Wrote: [ -> ]Ya, well, no thanks to you guys, I clicked it anyway.
And guess what?
I was right.
I now have to start a new game and beat FF1 all over again 
Thanks a lot guys...
Which version of Final Fantasy 1 are we talking about?
Ya, I'm dead serious.
And it's the new one for the GBA.
Man I'm so annoyed by this...

No kidding.
Look at the words separately.
...That's pretty self-explanitory.
Ya, well whatever.
This is where I stand:
I'm replaying FF1, and I don't care that much, I was just annoyed that I lost my data.
And this time, I'll be able to finish it twice as fast.
So there
Not to be funny or insult you or anything, but are you sure it didn't say "Clear Save Game Data"?
I'm almost 100% sure.
Cause next to my new file there's a star.
Just like there is next to my beaten one.
So I dunno o.O
Walnut, your sig is huge. Reduce it please. Although we don't have signiture size rules here, use common sense on what would be 'intrusive'.
(08-03-2008, 01:33 PM)Rakia Wrote: [ -> ]Have you never beaten a game before?
this post basically summarizes what i'm thinking as i post in this topic right now