I have a 35 warrior on mal'ganis i dunno what to do with but my main's an 85 druid on frostmane
wow is an horrible game.
just like any other mmo.
Turned those to links; they're pagebreaking at full size.
I used to play with a uni friend, got a Lv 26 Human Warlock, but it got boring. I guess I should take out another 60 days so I can see how the mechanics have changed post-cata, but ehhhhh.
yeah i play this game, i'm shit at it, not a big deal
(02-09-2011, 01:19 PM)Keinkotze Wrote: [ -> ]I have a 35 warrior on mal'ganis i dunno what to do with but my main's an 85 druid on frostmane
level it to 40 and let me heal you fa
My brother plays this -all the time-. I think he's... a level 82 Shaman on his main? I forget; he could be up to 85 by now.
I was thinking about eventually getting it but ehhhhhhhhhh I don't know if I can devote the time to it : (
I'll just pay $60 a year for Xbox live rather than $180 for a boring MMO that's not really that special.
I tried once, but it wouldnt let me try the free trial witout buying the subscription services. Sofor the past year or so ive been playing maplestory.
(02-09-2011, 01:36 PM)Fuchikoma Wrote: [ -> ]wow is an horrible game.
just like any other mmo.
These are the kinds of posts that make me wish there was an unthank button.
Also i play wow occasionally, but on the EU servers.
im going to take all the thanks in this thrad, write them on my ween, and snap pics of me rock n rollin mc donalds all over a printed sheet of met and all the spirte sheets hes ever made
i can't play most mmo's, they're too tedious and cost too much to keep going.
some mmo's can be fun, especially when they have more in-depth character advancement and more things to do besides killing x amount of a certain creature or deliver this scroll to that guy over there.
which is why i bought a lotro lifetime account way back when; i can not play for a month and i won't feel guilty about wasting 10-15 dollars. it's gone f2p since then, but get a monthly allowance of points for the new in-game store
that's not what this thread is about. this thread is about world of warcraft. quit spamming you mod