it would had been way more stylish, given the original artwork of the game, to resort to use low poly models.
you know, for the sake of /nostalgia/
i would rather they at least try to stick to the original art style, with the simple shading and subdued colours. the concept art does look nice, but it doesn't look anything like cave story
ive never played la mulana wii but that game is ugly as fuck and kills the whole msx thing
I bought Cave Story Wii but I dunno I felt that the free version was worth atleast 5 bucks... or was it ten...
If we get the original plus a new version like in wii id prolly buy it
(02-12-2011, 05:33 PM)Ngamer01 Wrote: [ -> ] (02-11-2011, 11:19 PM)Fuchikoma Wrote: [ -> ]it would had been way more stylish, given the original artwork of the game, to resort to use low poly models.
you know, for the sake of /nostalgia/
See the end to this.
And suddenly i'm not as excited about this as I originally was (eh, we'll see). Quote looks deformed

, what's going on here. (Balrog looks fine..I guess)
(02-12-2011, 05:33 PM)Ngamer01 Wrote: [ -> ] (02-11-2011, 11:19 PM)Fuchikoma Wrote: [ -> ]it would had been way more stylish, given the original artwork of the game, to resort to use low poly models.
you know, for the sake of /nostalgia/
See the end to this.
do you even understand what do i mean with low poly?
(02-12-2011, 10:58 AM)Uncle Sam Wrote: [ -> ]ive never played la mulana wii but that game is ugly as fuck and kills the whole msx thing
uhhhmm excuse me but the graphics (as well as the whole game) are being made by the same 3 guys who made the original game plus Naramura said that if you wanted to play the game with the original graphics and original music then play the original game (Even Nicals requested NIGORO to have the MSX like graphics and music as an option)
Plus you ain't played it yet cus shit ain't out yet lmao!
Oh yeah also I herd rumors there's gonna be co-op or something idk Pixel was talking about an idea like that.
(02-12-2011, 06:10 PM)Fuchikoma Wrote: [ -> ]do you even understand what do i mean with low poly?
I'm aware of what constitutes low poly and that the models in that animation don't fall under it. However the models aren't polished either -- they are blocky and jagged.
they're just concepts. id oubt these are even close to be the final models of the game(wich seeing the art direction of the game, they're probably going to aim for a rather detailed model on detailed enviroments).
(02-11-2011, 09:30 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]What was wrong with the 2D graphics, again?
Hoppin' on the bandwagon, turning hand-made 2D pixels that were made by countless hours of hard work and trial-and-error, into another 2.5D CGI action/adventure RPG.
I might be shelling a few cents out just for the portability factor if I don't get the DSiWare version of CaveStory.
But these are concept models, anywhoo. Anyone seen the Egg Chamber area yet?
I don't really see what was wrong with the wii version, aside the music.
This version is kind of pushing it for the sake of hype. I'll pass. Besides the 3D kind of ruins the charm the original game had.
(02-14-2011, 08:59 PM)Diogalesu Wrote: [ -> ]I don't really see what was wrong with the wii version, aside the music.
This version is kind of pushing it for the sake of hype. I'll pass. Besides the 3D kind of ruins the charm the original game had.
Yeah, initially I was excited too but then I realized...isn't the whole purpose of Cave Story in the first place the "retro gaming" feel?
Making the entire game in 3D totally defeats the purpose.
If they made it boring sprites with cool 3D layering with a pop-up book effect...then maybe, just
maybe I'd be sold
right now it just looks like "woop woop hey we got the cavestory license lets see how many times we can sell you YOUR FAVORITE GAME"
i'm actually surprised there's no cave story anime.
the whole point of Cave Story isn't a retro feel, it's a very tight platformer/shooter with a cool style that translates well to 3D graphics sorry
(02-15-2011, 08:54 PM)schlong corrosion??? bro.... Wrote: [ -> ]the whole point of Cave Story isn't a retro feel, it's a very tight platformer/shooter with a cool style that translates well to 3D graphics sorry
i believe pixel said on the interview "the whole idea behind cave story was to make one of the games that evokes my childhood, from the famicom"
the graphic style of the game could be ported to a guy doing a puppet show if you wanted considering how simplistic and iconic it is (for example, you dont really get to visualize the characters as they are until you finish the game). thats how basically every nes/famicom game has worked: the player visualizes the character as the artwork on the cover says so because the sprite is actually too small to protrait any features on its own.