Hello, I'm new to this site and new to ripping in general, these are some of my first rips.
I'm currently working on an RPG Maker XP project and noticed this site had pretty much all the Suikoden 2 sprites except the NPCs so I figured I'd do some.
Anyways Here they are:
I'll be ripping more for my project as well so if you like these there will be more.
Did you rip these yourself? And if so, could you post when it is completed, and put all the NPCs on one sheet? It's easier for us to upload that way, otherwise it's an unorganised mess...
Also, you can thank me for most of the sprite rips and Davias for the backgrounds

You are my hero for doing all of those characters /bow.
I ripped them myself this week, and I can easily put them all in one sheet however theres is quite a bit of NPCS so it might take a couple weeks or so, and some of the palates are annoyingly similar.
Seriously tho, thanks again for all those Suikoden 1 and 2 sprites.
Tell me about it - I ignored ripping the NPCs because of how similar their palettes are. I went with the idea of saving time, I do kind of regret that now - It only took me about a week to rip Suikoden 2... And I think I actually missed a sprites from enemies like Rowd.
Also the colour intro...
But hey, good job so far - and good luck to you. You look like you know what you're doing so I've all faith in you
The Suikoden series are my favourite games, so I really just ripped them for my own pleasure - I'm glad they've come to use.
Thanks for the words of encouragement ^^ I have around 75 done so far but I skipped some of the "chair" poses and whatnot so I should go back and get those too.
is this topic still alive? haha nice NPC's btw
mh, no. This topic is from february.
(unless the op wants it unlocked, also Davy, why didn't you just report the post, I wouldn't have seen it if Mighty Jetters didn't.)