I reckon these are pretty sweet, like others said a bit boring but excellent for a first tileset.
Can I request a Forest, Future/Space and/or a cave as your next tileset
BTW may I use these for a game I may make (I will give credit.)
Can I use those tiles for some of my comics?
critisism: (i spelt it wrong ><) the animation of the clock. The arrows are off. Very nice for a first try.
cryotek- i like them too
and sure, you can use them in your comic, just credit me in a nice legible font and send me a link when you're done
Liam543- go right ahead, and btw my next tileset will be "futureistic" or "sewer system"
Thornmask- Yeah, that was a mistake i made when moving it to the tileset. will fix soon.
I didn't mean that you should make more tiles of the same things.
I meant that the existing tiles should have some more detail. The point of tiling is to make the division between the tiles as invisible as possible.
(08-06-2008, 11:33 PM)Yoder Wrote: [ -> ]I didn't mean that you should make more tiles of the same things.
I meant that the existing tiles should have some more detail. The point of tiling is to make the division between the tiles as invisible as possible.
all right, i see what you meant. i'll mess with it and try to make it more seamless
I like it. IMO, very well made