So, wait, you're just taking the sprites from Court Records, sticking a tag on it, and then submitting it here? It doesn't work that way -- the original sprite ripper needs to submit them here.
lol wut
at least it teaches us all a valuable lesson
This is the third time he's posting stolen stuff, right?
I guess this thievery is worthy of a facepalm and a lock...
So, any mod looking at this, I'm sure you can do your thing.

(02-16-2011, 02:28 PM)WingWangWao Wrote: [ -> ]I guess this thievery is worthy of a facepalm and a lock...
So, any mod looking at this, I'm sure you can do your thing. 
I'm mainly waiting for his reply. If he ain't gonna say anything within the next 24 hours, I'm locking this topic.