The Smithsonian American Art Museum is having an exhibition in 2012 that will "explore the forty-year evolution of video games as an artistic medium, with a focus on striking visual effects and the creative use of new technologies."
Out of 240 different games, the 80 that get the most votes will appear in the exhibition, apparently. They're organized by era, console and genre. You can't change a vote once you've made it, so be careful.
Voting site
So everyone go and vote for Majora's Mask, it's your duty.
the super nintendo selections suck
edit: same thing for sony playstation
im finished and i still have 47 votes left
This sounds really cool actually. I couldn't help, but vote Psychonauts first.
everyone vote for zack & wiki or else
Does it has the original Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Unleashed? I'm not even gonna ask if it has Sonic CD or Knuckles Chaotix, the best-looking Sonic games because I know it isn't gonna have.
Sonic Unleashed's art is really great, and most of the game revolved around it. The concept for it was heavily inspired by Disneyland - basically to take real life locations and "distort them" with loops, slopes and all sorts of pinball surfaces that defines Sonic, and the effort to make all those different environments look stunning really do show, you really feel like you're progressing through several sorts of different, vast environments at high speed in just one level. There are some quite noticeable really low poly models and textures, but it's somewhat excusable because whenever you're boosting through you really can't notice it that well, plus levels are very big too, so it's understandable - and the Hedgehog Engine makes the environments look hundreds of times more beautiful due to its really beautiful lighting. It's one game that modern SEGA, which is mostly about mindlessly milking the cash cow that is Sonic and not being the passionate company it once was before the fall of Dreamcast, really did put their heart into it, besides some pretty glaring issues about the game.
Other than those uhhh I really can't think of anything other than Majora's Mask to vote, but I'm not putting any effort to it, so...
Oh wait
It DOES have Sonic CD instead of all other Sonic games omg
it doesn't have Sonic Unleashed though and there are a bunch of really shitty overrated games like Heavy Rain. :I
Great. I'd LOVE to have wonky-ass animations and giant plotholes with no gameplay at a museum exhibit.
4 hardest pages for me=
Ocarina of time, Majora's mask, Paper Mario
Windwaker, tales of symphonia, thousand year door
final fantasy 10, kh 2, Okami
chrono trigger, link to the past, earthbound
So tough for me fffff
andd maybe nothing else
Pulseman, Seiken Densetsu(secret of mana), Earth Worm Jim 2, to mention some 16bit games in terms of visuals.
I have to pick between Ocarina of Time, Majora's mask AND Paper Mario
I'm voting for Majora's mask, but damn, paper mario ...

My friend just accidentally voted for Tony Hawk's Underground 2 instead of Shadow of the Colossus
i dont really agree with a lot of their choices for games, but i find it incredibly cool that they are doing something like this
I like how they put some intentionally terrible games in the listings. ET and Indigo Prophecy, anyone?
I voted for Paper Mario, Earthbound, and Okami in the end; but they weren't exactly difficult choices.
I'm not ready to vote but OMG I saw Gunstar Heroes CX.
It's too bad Treasures not showing any signs of making a new game ( any game ) as of yet :C.
Hey, Sin and Punishment 2 wasn't that long ago.
(02-17-2011, 09:28 AM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]Indigo Prophecy,
Excuse you!
Ending aside, Indigo Prophecy was rad :C