(09-02-2011, 10:16 AM)Perseus Wrote: [ -> ]You're back! XD
Imageshack works fine for me, how about trying Tinypic?
Yup. XD
Tinypic JPG's too. I tried.
But Postimage works good so far though, so nothing to worry about.
EDIT: Nevermind that whole scene earlier, min.us is working again. The site must've been having issues again.
Okay THIS time I've got an update. I'll keep ripping Pokemon until I feel like ripping something else.
2nd Gen.:
This was kind of a pain in the hiney if only because of that giant electric wave thing. I may add Magby later today too.
Thx for looking!!
2nd Gen.:
And that concludes the baby elemental trio. I also forgot to say this before, if anyone wants to see a certain Pokemon ripped that's not done, feel free to ask.
Nice! How about Lapras? Or Elecktrike and Manectric?
Lapras hasn't been done? Alrighty, I'll get that and the other two after I'm done Baltoy & Claydol.
3rd Gen.:
Last update for the night! The very last Gen. 1 Pokemon coming up is mine!
1st Gen.:
RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR! *Ahem*, that's it for the 1st Gen. Pokemon, everybody! Once Mr. C's done on the Eeveelutions, we'll finally have a whole Gen. finished!
Thanks Perseus for reminding me of Lapras, because I really wanted to rip at least one Gen. 1 Pokemon. ^^
Whew, sorry about the delay! Finally got Perseus' request fulfilled.
3rd Gen.:
Now, 2nd Gen. is a bit lacking so I'll be doing a few there! Thanks for looking everyone.
Thank you A.J. and everyone.
2nd Gen.:
Pure Bliss...ey.
Question. Are Blue Rescue Team and Red Rescue Team the same thing?
Yeah, except that they have version-exclusive Pokémon just like the main games.
Red Rescue Team exclusives are Porygon, Mantine, Plusle, Roselia and Feebas.
Blue Rescue Team exclusives are Magikarp, Lapras, Aipom, Porygon2 and Minun.