Dunsparce with Brightpowder - Glare, Rock Slide, Swagger, Mud Slap
Kyogre with leftovers - Thunder, Calm Mind, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump
Huntail with damp rock - Waterfall, Ice Fang, Crunch, Toxic
Anything else you can get from here:
Unfortuantly, I'm not going for your Help DeepSeaTooth because those pokemon sound non-obnoxious for battling.
I might add a couple of FEAR Kangas in the mix, probbaly keep my wobbaffet, Spikes/Whirlwind Skarmory and high hp/def/spd Dusknoir with Will-o-wisp, Curse and Pain split (will probably add Duel Screen into the moves), Lickilicky sounds like a good idea. I'll have to see how this all turns out.
(02-26-2011, 04:12 PM)Kat Wrote: [ -> ]Unfortuantly, I'm not going for your Help DeepSeaTooth because those pokemon sound non-obnoxious for battling.

Dunsparce is the most irritating pokemon in the game.
Glare paralyses
Rock Slide Flinches
Swagger confuses and adds to the cause caused by it
mud slap lowers accuracy
Brightpowder increases evasion
Dunsparces ability increases odds of extras hapening
As for Huntail; its too awesome to dislike
I'll give Dunsparce a shot then. Huntail doesn't sound obnoxious enough. (It is a cool pokemon, not gonna lie, but, I'm looking for a way to annoy someone whom won't leave me alone.)
Anything with Brightpowder will surely annoy if it works. I once had someone miss with Explosion due to it. They still died, but for nothing.
Critical hits all the time can be annoying too. Honchkrow with stuff like Night Slash, the ability Super Luck, and holding the Razor Claw can get crits 50% of the time.
Shedinja with Brightpowder, Double team, Dig, Protect, Endure
Shedninja is killed easily because of spikes or stealth rock, and everyone uses both so yeah. That one is out of the question.
Then don't use FEAR Rattatata because it dies to the same things

(02-24-2011, 03:41 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]Blissey with toxic, thunder wave, softboiled, and substitute.
You wouldn't be able to use toxic and thunder wave. My blissey is epic and knows Thunder wave, softboiled, attract and swagger. the only downside is crappy defence.
Um, a lot of Pokémon setups have multiple status-inducing moves. That way you can thunderwave Steel or Poison types and toxic Ground types.
Its just blissy has a lot of health....
Just don't use shuckle, high def+sp.def, but awful health (easy to 2HKO).
Neither Blissey nor Shuckle work as standalone Pokémon anyway - they require setup.
And for what it's worth, Chansey now outclasses Blissey thanks to a new hold item that bolsters the defenses of NFE pokémon.
No it doesn't. The loss of leftovers and the inability to actually damage certain Pokemon because it doesn't have a usable special attack stat (as well as only 4 move slots) mean Chansey and Blissey simply fulfill (slightly) different roles.
Didn't Blissey deal its damage off Seismic Toss anyway? Or am I outdated on its staple moveset?
Blissey used to run Ice Beam and or Flamethrower to damage things that were immune to the status it was trying to deal. I.e, Ground Types immune to Thunder Wave were hit with Ice Beam (because well, she could wall them), and Steel-types immune to Toxic would get hit with Flamethrower. Blissey could deal moderate damage thanks to her mediocre special attack stat. Seismic Toss was also used however, probably more common than Ice Beam or Flamethrower.