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Well after around 3 years the RO crew (Chad, Martin, Aud, Tosh and moi) will work together to bring back one of the best moments of good old exc.
The old school MMORPG is back! And you can play with a good chunk of the original crew now!
[Image: ScreenShot052.png]
This screencap is older than most of you.

GMS(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ : Chad, Nit, Foss , Aud, me (i'll prob drop out after the game is up and finished) The GMs are pretty trust able don't worry if you don't get along with one of them (`ヮ')
Rates(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ : Not decided yet however I'm suggesting good old eRO rates we'll discuss this later (500/500/45 max level 200 (SORRY RAVAN!))
3rd class(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ : If we work together we might pull this off
Customs(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ : NO. or maybe just cute hats that don't break the game we aren't adding 999+ stats Bleach wings.
Nerfs(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ : I don't really want to nerf anything but Chad apparently does too bad hes never on msn and when he is he never responds hes kind of the new AFKori.
Gimmicks(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ : PK server, you can kill all the people you don't like, people who told you your sprite sucks, people who downed your rep, all you want! Nothing else I guess.

Current Progress: 0%

If admins let us we might link the ExRO official forum here later (☞゚ヮ゚)☞


Q:You clearly DON'T have enough stuff prepared to make a thread yet! Why post it?
A: Sadly I did my best to organize this but a few problems with timezones and other stuff make it unable for Chad, Nit, Foss, Aud and I to be online at the same time therefore I think a thread will make it easier for us to communicate instead of flooding our PM inboxes like they are an IM program.

A: No flippin' clue [Image: wario_09.gif] OTL

Q:Can I bring my friends?
A:Yes! The more the merrier, besides if I don't like someone I can just PK them in game!

Q: MMOs SUCK! Their all grind and they just suck!
A: You can go back to the Pokemon forum if you want.

Q: Instead of playing a decade old MMO why don't we just play X Online!
A: Because go make your own thread about your own server of X Online
I don't think I understand....

Is this supposed to be a game dev topic or about the beta of another game? Because it sounds almost like this is a WiP game dev topic.
It's a private server for Ragnarok Online.
it can also function as an RO general thread
people still play this?
ExRO is an off/on thing, usually. But yes, quite a few people still play RO.
no i made the thread becuase literally noone plays this i only wanted to take space and get attention
I know my comment was a lil blunt but yeah, I was genuinely surprised about this

The last time I saw this game in action was 2008, soooo
beep beep i guess i hit the first stone
apparently theres this little part in the code in where i need to replace some ip or some shit with the host ip or whatever

chad did you and nit organize yourselves to pay a host
and tbh i dont know what the fuck i am doing and if im doing it right or not i need someone to check
[Image: expresso.jpg]

"Did someone call for me?"
last time i tried to play RO with tsr my brother saw me.

"rock bottom indeed"
If you guys want cheap hosting for this, get in touch. Unless you can find something else but idk.
Thanks, Dazz I'll see what the guys think
actually dazz i would be very interested, pm me with the details
did you guys ever talk or...
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