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I'm curious to see how long it takes for people to do pixel art on here.

I usually take about 15 minutes to make a still pose of a character.
I usually take around an hour to an hour and a half to make an animation.
I usually take a whole night to make a full tileset for a level.
If it's a large piece like a background that's very detailed I usually take a whole night to get it done.

How about you guys?
It varies as to whether or not I'm using my usual style or if I'm trying something new.

It probably takes me about an hour or two to finalize a style, but then after that it's about 20-30 minutes per still image. Larger sprites take about an hour per image.

I'm shit at backgrounds, so it can take me days to get those finished-- tiling or not. :I
It took me a full week of on-and-off tweaking to do each of those submissions for TUGS.

I'm bad at this. But at least the effort I put in shows in the end (I hope).
10-30 minutes for a base sprite
45min-1hour for an animation
5hours -3days for a tileset (Depends on how large they are)

Thats just if I enjoy what I'm working with. If it's a style I don't know or I don't care for, double that at least.
(03-02-2011, 12:05 PM)Chaoxys Wrote: [ -> ]10-30 minutes for a base sprite
45min-1hour for an animation
5hours -3days for a tileset (Depends on how large they are)

Thats just if I enjoy what I'm working with. If it's a style I don't know or I don't care for, double that at least.

Just about the same. Except I don't believe I've ever tried to make a background because I'm so afraid to try it haha
Usually five or so minutes making a rough outline, then fifteen making it smooth, shading it, colouring it, texturing it, etc.
too long for my liking, I was I wasn't so critical of my work

For characters, It doesn't take me too long to make a base, since I usually have my mind set on what I want to do. What really takes me time is a palette, and the detail. Those two things could average from 30-45 minutes for me. Right now I want to try and experiment with art styles and see what I can pull off, so that can leave me open to C&C rather then anything else since I want ways to improve.

I've yet to try out tilesets of any sort.
i've spent days working nonstop on stuff i feel an urge to do, while i could spend around an hour or way less when i'm not that motivated. lately, it varies on the motivation i have to do something. i doubt there something like a fixed amount of time i normally spend on something i want to do. though if a time limit exist, i'd try to finish it as quickly as posible.
it usually takes around an hour for the first sprite, then depending on the animation, anywhere from a half-hour to three hours.
I'm a slow-ass spriter.

It could take me several hours to get a style down, and whether I'm digging the style or not results in how fast I can churn sprites out.

For sprites that I particularly like (such as that Travis sheet I did), I can probably do each frame in 20 minutes. For sprites that I find is a chore to work with (like that commission I got), it takes me up to two hours per frame, going on and off and depending on how well my motivation's driving me.
less than five minutes for getting shading/outline/etc, then several hours of refining/correcting.
Takes me forever to do any of it. Especially animations and poses, I never feel content with my animations and I keep going back.
I'm magically inexperienced so even though I can see mistakes I can't fix them without hours of experimentation and fiddling

(you should see my mega man x progress and constant do-overs, I have all copies saved and it's gotten even bigger since my last update so...!!)

If it's easy, I can do it a few hours. If It's not something I'm used to or if I don't plan it out right like I'm supposed to then it
It takes forever for me, because every time I open up to work, I get nervous and quit.
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