Is it an archive or something?
If so, what processes will I need to go through to unpack and finally convert the models into .OBJ?
I have already found the MDconverter.exe that was uploaded in a previous thread.
Sorry for this, Im a complete noob when it comes to these kind of things.

I shall upload once someone blesses me with the knowledge!
Thanks in Advance

Yep, its an archive as you'd expect. Here's the unpacker for it:
The models are .XNO's, but remember that when they're converted you'll need 3DS Max to import them since the import uses Maxscript.
(03-02-2011, 02:36 PM)Shadowth117 Wrote: [ -> ]Yep, its an archive as you'd expect. Here's the unpacker for it:
The models are .XNO's, but remember that when they're converted you'll need 3DS Max to import them since the import uses Maxscript.
Thankyou so much!
I have managed to rip the main robot and SuperShadow and convert them.
I just have one final thing to ask. I have never used 3DS-Max before, I tend to use Blender instead. How do I add the .dds textures to the model in 3DS-Max?

The textures should already be assigned. All you need to do is export the model. Keep in mind that some textures may have transparency where they shouldn't since they often use the alpha layer of the dds to store their specular map.
I found out that 3DS-Max 9 has compatibility issues with Vista (my current OS). I installed a patch from Autodesks site, now it works fine. The textures now appear on the model
Thanks for your help