Kinda surprised there wasn't a topic already...
As soon as I purchased it, I fell in love with it, I can relate to Neku(the whole 'not having friends' part, not so much disliking every other person)
The Story was good, the gameplay is surprisingly easy(if you're using good pins/good at multi-tasking)
Right now, I beat it, so alls I have left to do is track down the pig Noises in every day, find the 'hidden' items, Master like every pin, see the last few Noise, etc...then I can see the damn hidden ending(which you could probably watch on Youtube anyway...)
So, discuss...Like it? Say why. Hate it? Explain your views.
Is the best DS game I've ever played. Even better than Another Code. I'm a total fanboy for this game now.
Currently trying to climb Pork City. IT'S SO GODDAMN HARD

GrooveMan.exe Wrote:It
Is the best DS game I've ever played. Even better than Another Code. I'm a total fanboy for this game now.
Currently trying to climb Pork City. IT'S SO GODDAMN HARD 
Well, if you use unbranded pins, it's not so hard, as they're unaffected by the 'Brand Only' thing...Now if you're in 'Another Day' you should be killing the Pig Noise, and they get harder and harder...I had like 10 HP left from the Butch Pig Noise when I killed it(seriously, took about 5 tries to finish it off, same with the 'King'[forget it's real name]one)
Allow me to say, Bring you're 'A' game for the boss that resides there in 'Another Day'...Let me just say, I'm glad there's no 'Beat this boss on hard or higher' for Another Day, cause it was damn near impossible for me to do it on Normal...
But yeah, trying to get 100% is a pain...cause the Items get reeeeeeeally expensive in the Shibuya Dept. Store(I can barely have 300,000...which is like everything in those stores...)
I think I have to see 5 More Noise to complete the Report, I have to figure out an easy way to get Orichalcum, Shadow Matter and Dark Matter so I can get a lot of the Quest Items...Same goes for Adamantite
I want to play this game so very badly. I need a job and I need to get money.
Josh, Fifenfrogs drop Orichalcum on ultimate (and I think hard), and are found at the underground entrance, just before the reaper hideout.
Drakes in Pork City drop 'em, too.
I think I leveled the wrong pins or I need a new DS (Ouendan 2's fault) because I can't beat Sunglasses with his ever huge freaking Snake ways. Dear God does that bite of his tick me off.
Question where do I get more slots for my pins? I've had four for like...ever.
Best DS game I ever played and bought

I love it, also my friend's get pissed off really easily at me now because whenever they make a mistake I always say "your zetta slow". And they respond like this "MARTH WILL SHUT THE HELL UP WITH THE DAMN GAME ALREADY!"
@ Grooveman: THANK YOU! Honestly, I never really look at the Noise Report, even though I easily could, and I don't have enough stuff to buy the Ultimate Difficulty Sticker, so I'm limited to hard for now...
@ Djanjo: Which Snake? First or Second
To get more slots, you need to get the stickers that enable two more slots...Heh, I forget where they're 'sold' but the last two are in stores(I believe)
I'm in love with this game; I love the music, the gameplay, the story, EVERYTHING. I would recommend this game to anyone who asked.
I'm on the third time around and beats stupid, but I like his fighting style ALOT more than josh.
I like this game, I can relate to Neku (the hating everybody else part, not very liking the highschool crowd very much) and the pin designs are awesome, I really wish some of the pin designs were real, especially the smily face one X3
I think Neku is SE's coolest character now, above Cloud, Leon, and Sora, I even bought a big pair of headphones because of him.[/align]
I must say, I'm in love with the art in this game (mostly speech sprites).
I hate this game so much that I love it[/that made no sense]
It's just so hard that it is enjoyable[/ooh, now I understand]
I went to a vidya and animu expo today, and not only did I see two Nekus, a Sho, and a Joshua, I decided to put my DS on Mingle Mode, and found another player who had the 6 Black Planet pins equipped. Meaning I bought them from the generated shop for 5000 Yen each.
!WARNING! this post will contain a buttload of spoilers !WARNING!
HOLY CRAP THE LAST BOSS IS HHHAAAARRRDDDD! :< (I don't mean iron face I mean big dragon dude)
and I did not expect Josh to be the composer
It's not really. Take some Regen clothing items (The Regen III Earrings are good, and don't require too much bravery), Lightning Pawn, Lightning Rook, and Splish-Splash Barrier.
If you lack these pins by this point, you're not playing right. Also do it on easy first time 'round. You can fight him as many times as you want afterwards, so just finish the story for now.
He's also not actually the final boss, but W/E.