Oshawott all the way. Otters never fail me. I got rid of Simisear for Rufflot.
Switched my basculins with ones with adaptability. I'm thinking of picking up a third fish and using a Marx Brothers theme
(03-27-2011, 05:17 AM)DeepSeaTooth Wrote: [ -> ]I love how everybody on this site fits into one of two categories;
Those with emboar, braviary, Krookodile, archen, scrafty, and some other extremely over-used pokemons
And those with teams that never stay the same
Not me, unless Heatmor and Amoongus and Druddigon are considered overused?
(03-27-2011, 05:17 AM)DeepSeaTooth Wrote: [ -> ]I love how everybody on this site fits into one of two categories;
Those with emboar, braviary, Krookodile, archen, scrafty, and some other extremely over-used pokemons
And those with teams that never stay the same
Braviary isn't overused. It's probably actively used by about 3 or 4 people here.
I'm currently using Carracosta, Braviary, Bisharp, Sigilyph, Escavalier and Emboar. And I've only just now started running into old-gen Pokemon, so I'll probably be switching some dudes out.
I think they're just being a dick, or trying to get an explicitly hacked Reshiram.
Yeah you'll find loads to crap like that on the GTS. I assume those kinds of requests are mainly posted by 9 year old hackers.
Just finished the game and its time to catch the muskateers

Hell yea, just caught fucking Landorus two hours ago at Cinemarella's house. In a Dusk Ball >:
Now to wait months until Genesect's available for download and I'll have stuff to do
well, actually now I have time to make a more well-rounded team. I've been wanting to make more use of Reuniclus; he seems like a REALLY GOOD Pokemon...like, his movepool owns (including his learned moves) however he's too friggin' slow to do anything.
If you think he's too slow then just use Trick Room.
Rankurusu (Reuniclus) is one of the best Pokemon to have been released this generation imo, both aesthetically and competitively ~
No body wants to have to use trick room to use their favorites
I don't quite understand
What's wrong with Trick Room?
EV'd my first pokemon. Chandelure, would you like a hug? I know you would.
(03-28-2011, 12:09 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]EV'd my first pokemon. Chandelure, would you like a hug? I know you would.
do you know the rules surrounding exp. share EV's? I mean i. e I beat a patrat with the pokemon without exp. share. This would normally give me 1 EV for attack. But since EVs are also shared, would this mean both the poke with and without get 0.5?