Except Watchog. Watchog is always watching.
The names for the Player Characters in the English version are... Hilbert and Hilda.
what the fuck
Anyways, me for the rest of the day is gonna be: "MOM CAN WE GO TO GAMESTOP YET HEY MOM MOM MOM CAN WE GO MOM." So fucking excited. Think I'm gonna go with White, and chose Oshawott.
my will be, before i get to the 3rd gym: swadloon, panpour, and munna!!
munna is surprisingly good once you get psybeam and don't even get me started on when it gets moonlight and hypnosis
I want to get White, but my mom has my debit and won't let me.

I agree! I moved on to Sigilyph, though for Fly and a bit more power to those Psybeams. He's nowhere near as bulky, though.
sigilyph is boss but i can't see myself using him, i'm going to toss munna eventually too, anyway, and i need the beef
i've been playing for 2 hours and i haven't beaten the first gym leader yet because battling and training feels way more fun in this than in any other pokemon game to date
this game rules
and holy shit it doesn't take 10 levels to learn a new move what a concept
this game is fantastic
literally the greatest pokemon yet.
glad im not the only one with an oshawott named shoalgun. i beat the 1st gym and imma get the c gear soon. white ftw. but now i have to get my team around the 20s for school tomorrow- the bus ride is gonna be fun. ("hey look guys, i just hijacked that kid's game!")
-- and by the way, the opening cinematics- the first is freaking sexy, second feels like a commercial. --
beat the first gym, Snivy already evolved.
((((it's named Big Boss btw))))
Game's going great :>
So fun so far even though I just started. Current team, though:
![[Image: 495.gif]](http://www.arkeis.com/images/animations/495.gif)
Duchess, Lv. 11, ♀
![[Image: 515.gif]](http://www.arkeis.com/images/animations/515.gif)
Conway, Lv. 10, ♂
![[Image: 506.gif]](http://www.arkeis.com/images/animations/506.gif)
Scruffy, Lv. 10, ♂
![[Image: 509.gif]](http://www.arkeis.com/images/animations/509.gif)
Feli, Lv. 7, ♀
![[Image: 504.gif]](http://www.arkeis.com/images/animations/504.gif)
no nickname yet, Lv. 7, ♀
Current team:
![[Image: 541.gif]](http://www.arkeis.com/images/animations/541.gif)
Swadloon, Lv. 25, ♀
![[Image: 516.gif]](http://www.arkeis.com/images/animations/516.gif)
Simipour, Lv. 22, ♀
![[Image: 518.gif]](http://www.arkeis.com/images/animations/518.gif)
Musharna, Lv. 21, ♀

guys i just caught a shiny Darumaka
my first time catching/seeing a shiny in the wild c:
I can't put this game down it's so good.
Using Pignite, Simisage, Sandile, Tympole and Pidove right now.