Boy there's something that was said in the game that kind of annoyed me, I think it might be spoiler but here it is:
When Juniper's father comments on Pokemon and people he says: "When you capture a Pokemon you don't capture it's heart, you befriend it." Bullshit, if that were true why do Pokemon struggle and break free from Pokeballs? Why are there different kinds of Pokeballs that are stronger and make capturing easier? The Master Ball guarantees a capture no matter what, isn't that like capturing their hearts?
I'm really getting sick of this "Pokemon are our equals" shit. Because by the sounds of it it almost seems like they are our betters! Some trainer said: "If I win it is because of my Pokemon, if I lose it's because of me." So that's pretty much saying nothing is ever a Pokemon's fault and we are always to blame because Pokemon are perfect and Jesus.
Be careful Koopaul, I may just report you to PETA u_u
(04-14-2011, 01:55 AM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]Boy there's something that was said in the game that kind of annoyed me, I think it might be spoiler but here it is:
When Juniper's father comments on Pokemon and people he says: "When you capture a Pokemon you don't capture it's heart, you befriend it." Bullshit, if that were true why do Pokemon struggle and break free from Pokeballs? Why are there different kinds of Pokeballs that are stronger and make capturing easier? The Master Ball guarantees a capture no matter what, isn't that like capturing their hearts?
I'm really getting sick of this "Pokemon are our equals" shit. Because by the sounds of it it almost seems like they are our betters! Some trainer said: "If I win it is because of my Pokemon, if I lose it's because of me." So that's pretty much saying nothing is ever a Pokemon's fault and we are always to blame because Pokemon are perfect and Jesus.
It's because at it's core Pokemon represents a bizarre mesh of forced slavery, cock-fighting and animal cruelty that is also INCREDIBLY fun, so to make that bizarreness more marketable and less twisted they give it some carebears logic and make it so nobody ever seems to die even though there are clearly mass pokemon graveyards and ghost pokemon.
Imagine playing Pokemon where there were extended minigames where you beat the pokemon mercilessly to teach it new moves.
Pikachu learned Frustration!

>Hatch Timid Female Zorua
>24-27 hp, 26-29 atk, 8-11 def, 31 spa, 20-23 spd, 31 speed
>Didn't even use everstone for the nature
I'm quite pleased, despite the redundant high attack. Defense doesn't bother me since Zoroark is pretty fragile anyway.
I've got a mild Zorua with 31 hp/spa/spe that I don't plan on using, if anyone would like that.
I got this on the day of release and I have obtained every Unova pokemon EXCEPT for Keldeo, Meleoetta (sucks) and Genesect, yet I have no level 100's? yay T_T but I have got my hg level 100's on heart gold which i cant find... but i still have level 90 Reshiram, Zekrom and Volcorona and a level 98 Serperior. yay... T_T
~Anyone for a flat battle?
so last night i was breeding eggs instead of sleeping and ended up with a whole box filled with eggs and i dont remember which are in any of them
so if anyone wants one of my SURPRISE EGGS i can give you any of them
Roughly 80% of my box space in SoulSilver is full of mystery eggs left over from incalculable hours of breeding.
i always hatch them and release the newborns so they get eaten by wild ekans or something
Guess what I just caught out of nowhere?
>Battle Subway
>Super Single Train
>14th battle, last pokémon
>Zoroark used Flamethrower!
>Enemy avoids the attack
>Enemy uses Double team
>Zoroark used Flamethrower!
>Enemy avoids the attack
>Enemy uses Double team again
>And again and again
>Enemy kills Zoroark, then Mismagius, then Gigalith without being hit once due to double team
(04-15-2011, 02:12 AM)The Ullapool Caberknight Wrote: [ -> ]>Battle Subway
>Super Single Train
>14th battle, last pokémon
>Zoroark used Flamethrower!
>Enemy avoids the attack
>Enemy uses Double team
>Zoroark used Flamethrower!
>Enemy avoids the attack
>Enemy uses Double team again
>And again and again
>Enemy kills Zoroark, then Mismagius, then Gigalith without being hit once due to double team
Anyway, I keep switching my last guy for my team competitively. Fortunately, the other guys are EV'd and pretty good together. C:
That's a pretty common occurence in battle tower scenarios, bro. You need to pack something with never-miss moves, or Haze (Hi, Cofagrigus!) to counter it.
Usually, I have my Lucario's Aura sphere to deal with double team abusers. I wish they'd give more moves that attribute, or just remove the 0.4% margin of error for the moves given "100" accuracy.
I love my new Axew. He has Mold breaker, an adamant nature, and IVs of 22/31/29/31/23/31.
Best Axew ever! And he hatched from the first Axew egg I got from the daycare. What are the chances? Nicknamed him Killasaur.
Using the Masuda method to [try to] get a shiny Solosis. Considering my luck when it comes to pokemon games, It's never going to happen :X
breeding a litwick
first egg is outstanding with 31hp 27attack 20def 31spatk 27 spdef 31speed
modest nature
joyfully go and give it a name
about to train the little girl
notice it's trait is flame body
start vomiting everywhere
make it fuck it's father a billion times until i get one with flash fire