Does somebody have a list of the stat additions and subtractions of each nature? I'm not sure which personality leads to which boosts.
EDIT: I just recently found all the the seven sages. Well, six, but I dont know what to do next, because apparently it's impossible to see either Ghetsis or N again. Anybody know whats next?
(04-18-2011, 11:26 AM)DeepSeaTooth Wrote: [ -> ]Does somebody have a list of the stat additions and subtractions of each nature? I'm not sure which personality leads to which boosts.
EDIT: I just recently found all the the seven sages. Well, six, but I dont know what to do next, because apparently it's impossible to see either Ghetsis or N again. Anybody know whats next?
This link takes you to and tells you the natures
I haven't found all the Sages yet so I don't know what's next. I'm trying to hatch Modest Tynamos but they all have rubbish IVs
ghestis is in the dragonspiral tower afaik
(04-18-2011, 10:35 AM)Untitled Wrote: [ -> ]UNLESS your're underleveled
Yup, my Litwick was level 10 when I started EV training.
Quote:if you hatch a pokemon, setup a kill on a high level audino to make that pokemon only get the exp (with lucky egg) to instantly go up to level 30.
That never occured to me. Usually I just leave whatever Pokémon I'm raising in the daycare for 2 minutes while I ride back and forth until it's level 10 or so, careful not to erase any egg moves. I'll have to do what you suggested from now on. Thanks, bro.
Quote:I'm trying to hatch Modest Tynamos but they all have rubbish IVs
If you don't mind waiting until tomorrow, when I'll have access to wi-fi, I could give you a modest Litwick with IVs of 31 in three stats, which you could breed with a female Tynamo for better results.
(04-18-2011, 12:13 PM)The Ullapool Caberknight Wrote: [ -> ]If you don't mind waiting until tomorrow, when I'll have access to wi-fi, I could give you a modest Litwick with IVs of 31 in three stats, which you could breed with a female Tynamo for better results.
That would be great, thank you!

What would you want?
The best Tynamo I have so far has 12 HP, 4 Attack, 14 Defense, 28 Sp.Attack, 26 Sp.Def and 6 Speed

Anything is fine, really. A Shelmet or Karrablast would be great if you have one, though.
Just bred myself a pretty bad ass Yamask
Quiet nature,
24-25 hp, 24-25 atk, 31 def, 28-29 sp.a, 31 sp.d, 31 spd.
got the defense and special attack from its mom and the speed from its dad. Would've preferred if it took its dad's 31 HP, but otherwise couldn't be happier
(04-18-2011, 02:34 PM)Phantom Kojjiro Wrote: [ -> ]Just bred myself a pretty bad ass Yamask
Quiet nature,
24-25 hp, 24-25 atk, 31 def, 28-29 sp.a, 31 sp.d, 31 spd.
got the defense and special attack from its mom and the speed from its dad. Would've preferred if it took its dad's 31 HP, but otherwise couldn't be happier
This reminds me, I was going to breed one of these badasses for myself. Going to go for bold or relaxed, whichever hatches first.
I'd better get breedan~
(04-18-2011, 02:51 PM)The Ullapool Caberknight Wrote: [ -> ] (04-18-2011, 02:34 PM)Phantom Kojjiro Wrote: [ -> ]Just bred myself a pretty bad ass Yamask
Quiet nature,
24-25 hp, 24-25 atk, 31 def, 28-29 sp.a, 31 sp.d, 31 spd.
got the defense and special attack from its mom and the speed from its dad. Would've preferred if it took its dad's 31 HP, but otherwise couldn't be happier
This reminds me, I was going to breed one of these badasses for myself. Going to go for bold or relaxed, whichever hatches first.
I'd better get breedan~
I have a few extra 31 def yamasks that I could give you if you care about defense at all
Brycen was pathetic, jeez. I beat him with just unfezant, archen and stoutland.
I kind of want to make a pretty IV/EV eelektross just to say I've done it once but all that's no wonder everyone at TSR's lost their patience, pff. I'm only planning on playing single player anyway so whatever.
its ok you can do it while watching a movie or something
its not a task you need a lot of concentration to pull
Whenever you're ready, Ike, I've got your Litwick here. I've got two, actually, one with 31 hp/spa/spe and another with 31 spa/spd/spe, whichever you'd prefer. If you want both, that's fine too. My friend code is 4298 3058 5694.
>Hatch Yamask
Relaxed, 31/23/31/31/29/15
Look at those fucking numbers goddamn.
Edit 2:
>Enemy uses Crunch on Cofagrigus
>It's super effective!
>Cofagrigus lost 7 hp
None of my pokemon seem to want to breed. Alakazam + Pawniard. Milotic + Charizard. Maybe they just don't want me to keep their babies from them.
(Edit: oh, wait. Never mind.)
Also Ghetsis isn't in Dragonspiral tower.
EDITII: Finally got an adamant Pawniard. From an egg and knows Psycho Cut
God I hate the Battle Subway sometimes.
Hi even though no accuracy or evasion-affecting moves have been used in this match at all suddenly you're not allowed to hit me and also I can get like four critical hits in a row,
love the AI.
I have a friend who lost there using a Wondertomb and a no guard ninjask with fissure