06-02-2011, 12:40 PM
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06-02-2011, 03:01 PM
The extralink requires somebody else to be there, but Ive had a few issues with it, like complete inability to connect, even from close up or far away.
06-03-2011, 07:24 AM
(06-02-2011, 03:01 PM)DeepSeaTooth Wrote: [ -> ]The extralink requires somebody else to be there, but Ive had a few issues with it, like complete inability to connect, even from close up or far away.
Thats not the way of using Entralink. Its by getting a friend who has the game and if they are there with you. One stays in the game world while the other person go in the portal wall. Then you could do missions or fill up your Black City/ White Forest if they have no people.
06-06-2011, 01:40 PM
video id: 61-84306-08023
aka a battle video of when i somehow won a match against a 4 star person
wobbuffet is bro4life
aka a battle video of when i somehow won a match against a 4 star person
wobbuffet is bro4life
06-14-2011, 05:53 PM
last night i bred a few natu from one i got via a trade on wifi once
and by few i mean like 2 dozen and one happened to be lighter colored than the other one so i was like WELP i got a shiny!! and then went to check its ivs (im too lazy to find out how to do it otherwise) so i uploaded it to my computer and turns out
its ivs are 30 hp, 31 speed, 31 attack, 31 sp atk, 31 defense, and 29 sp def so my day was pretty much made
and by few i mean like 2 dozen and one happened to be lighter colored than the other one so i was like WELP i got a shiny!! and then went to check its ivs (im too lazy to find out how to do it otherwise) so i uploaded it to my computer and turns out
its ivs are 30 hp, 31 speed, 31 attack, 31 sp atk, 31 defense, and 29 sp def so my day was pretty much made
06-15-2011, 02:32 AM
How do you check a pokemons ivs with the computer?
06-15-2011, 10:53 AM
download pokemon online and stick your stats in the team builder
then go up and down the IV option till the stat matches the one you have
then go up and down the IV option till the stat matches the one you have
06-15-2011, 11:16 AM
Or just use the IV checker on Serebii, I have a feeling it would be alot easier
06-15-2011, 01:38 PM
In order to get reliable results from the IV checker you'll want the Pokemon to be around level 50
06-15-2011, 02:25 PM
Yeah, but online IV checkers require you to know exactly what EV's your pokemon has.
I found out too late when my Mienshao used Hidden Power that it wasn't Ice type, as I thought, but Grass, so EV's are incredibly difficult to control, or know what they actually are
I found out too late when my Mienshao used Hidden Power that it wasn't Ice type, as I thought, but Grass, so EV's are incredibly difficult to control, or know what they actually are
06-16-2011, 05:15 AM
use an ar to check ivs
its so easy
save yourself the time
your worth it
its so easy
save yourself the time
your worth it
08-22-2011, 06:52 PM
I know nobody posts in this forum anymore but how else will I share my Pokemon journey? 
So I got White yesterday, and I'm in Route 2 (can't believe they decided to go all the way back after Route 500/600 something), beat my first Trainer, and am ATM raising a Purrloin just for the heck of it (only against wild Pokemon though). I love Route 1's song and the rest of the music is really nice. The game is awesome so far, and I really love those two people in Accumula Town who change the music with their instruments when you talk to them.
My current team is:
Snivy, male, level 10, Lonely nature. Att.: 15 Def.: 14 Sp. Att.: 16 Sp. Def.: 16 Speed: 19
Patrat, male, level 9, Hasty nature. Att.: 18 Def.: 12 Sp. Att.: 12 Sp. Def.: 14 Speed: 15
Lillipup, female, level 9, Naughty nature. Att.: 17 Def.: 14 Sp. Att.: 12 Sp. Def.: 12 Speed: 17.
Purrloin, male, level 5, Sassy nature. Att.: 11 Def.: 9 Sp. Att.: 11 Sp. Def.: 11 Speed: 10.
However when I load my save it always says "Winter" even though I have it set to August and IDK why. :c
I also like the Pokemon TV thing where Mr. Watchog "talks". So N is right about Pokemon talking. As soon as I get Purrloin steak up with the rest of my team I'm moving on again.
I know I sound weird but I'm not worrying about EV's/IV's/whatever a whole lot here, I'm just going on normally, especially since I don't understand half of it anyway. :<
So uh... I'm sure someone else has something to post about their game... so I don't feel as weird...

So I got White yesterday, and I'm in Route 2 (can't believe they decided to go all the way back after Route 500/600 something), beat my first Trainer, and am ATM raising a Purrloin just for the heck of it (only against wild Pokemon though). I love Route 1's song and the rest of the music is really nice. The game is awesome so far, and I really love those two people in Accumula Town who change the music with their instruments when you talk to them.

Snivy, male, level 10, Lonely nature. Att.: 15 Def.: 14 Sp. Att.: 16 Sp. Def.: 16 Speed: 19
Patrat, male, level 9, Hasty nature. Att.: 18 Def.: 12 Sp. Att.: 12 Sp. Def.: 14 Speed: 15
Lillipup, female, level 9, Naughty nature. Att.: 17 Def.: 14 Sp. Att.: 12 Sp. Def.: 12 Speed: 17.
Purrloin, male, level 5, Sassy nature. Att.: 11 Def.: 9 Sp. Att.: 11 Sp. Def.: 11 Speed: 10.
However when I load my save it always says "Winter" even though I have it set to August and IDK why. :c
I also like the Pokemon TV thing where Mr. Watchog "talks". So N is right about Pokemon talking. As soon as I get Purrloin steak up with the rest of my team I'm moving on again.

So uh... I'm sure someone else has something to post about their game... so I don't feel as weird...
08-22-2011, 11:55 PM
Heh, well, I haven't played it in a few months buuuut, I am before Victory Road, where I stop in well... most Pokemon games, to be honest. It seems to be where I start getting bored with it, or about how long it takes me to find a new game to play. Anywaaaay, apparently when I left off I was on Route 18 (no idea what I was doing, probably exploring the new area) with the following party:
Versailles (Serperior) Lv. 41 "Serious" Male
Zebstrika Lv. 35 "Jolly" Male
Candlejack (Litwick) Lv. 37 "Relaxed" Male
Remmy (Mienfoo) Lv. 42 "Lonely" Female
Unfezent Lv. 39 "Adamant" Male
Seismitoad Lv. 39 "Bashful" Male
(note, I've never cared about natures, I'll bet one of those are terrible for my Pokemon)
So yeah, that's all the info I can gleam from a check of the screen. Oh and btw, the seasons change each month, so it's Winter in August, so it'll be Spring in September, Summer in October, and so on. It'd be really frustrating if you had to wait through the whole year to go different places, get different variations of Pokemon, and get to different items. So yeah, don't worry, the temporal distortion is for your convenience.
But hey, don't take my weird break as evidence against me not liking Pokemon, I enjoyed this one a lot more than I did with Pearl, even if some of the new designs are kinda garbage >>.
Versailles (Serperior) Lv. 41 "Serious" Male
Zebstrika Lv. 35 "Jolly" Male
Candlejack (Litwick) Lv. 37 "Relaxed" Male
Remmy (Mienfoo) Lv. 42 "Lonely" Female
Unfezent Lv. 39 "Adamant" Male
Seismitoad Lv. 39 "Bashful" Male
(note, I've never cared about natures, I'll bet one of those are terrible for my Pokemon)
So yeah, that's all the info I can gleam from a check of the screen. Oh and btw, the seasons change each month, so it's Winter in August, so it'll be Spring in September, Summer in October, and so on. It'd be really frustrating if you had to wait through the whole year to go different places, get different variations of Pokemon, and get to different items. So yeah, don't worry, the temporal distortion is for your convenience.

08-23-2011, 03:37 AM
Mighty Jetters, the seasons change monthly, the month of August means it is winter in game.
08-23-2011, 01:32 PM
Hey Mighty Jetters,
How'd you like a few eggs of top-tier pokémon to aid in your adventures?
I can hook you up with some if you'd like.
How'd you like a few eggs of top-tier pokémon to aid in your adventures?
I can hook you up with some if you'd like.