Posting mostly because I might get dragged along into it when it starts.
Apparently it starts up for me (East Coast) on May 28th, but I'm not 100% sure about all the other dates.
It has essentially the same rules as last year; doubles, 4v4, level 50 cap, etc.
Only difference is teams are limited to those from the Unova Pokedex. This should be really interesting~
Oh, and RNG Reporter. If I'm not mistaken, they haven't created one with Black and White yet, right? If so, then this should be a nice tourney :>
(03-15-2011, 01:55 PM)Rosencrantz Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, and RNG Reporter. If I'm not mistaken, they haven't created one with Black and White yet, right? If so, then this should be a nice tourney :>
What difference would it make if there was one?
(03-15-2011, 06:56 PM)Cshad Wrote: [ -> ] (03-15-2011, 01:55 PM)Rosencrantz Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, and RNG Reporter. If I'm not mistaken, they haven't created one with Black and White yet, right? If so, then this should be a nice tourney :>
What difference would it make if there was one?
Since the games have just come out my guess is that most people don't have perfectly IV'd pokemon. RNG Reporter (which has a beta out that allows for IVs on anything but starters I think?") would help circumvent that.
idk though, I battle with my favorites so I'd get pretty screwed if I even tried to participate.
White/Black RNG abuse is apparently even more convincing this gen, as natures and ivs are generated by different rng's now.
also its not as if people won't be getting there perfect ivs with ARs like every other gen.
(03-15-2011, 10:01 PM)Zac Wrote: [ -> ]White/Black RNG abuse is apparently even more convincing this gen, as natures and ivs are generated by different rng's now.
also its not as if people won't be getting there perfect ivs with ARs like every other gen.
Makes it harder to get shinies of the right nature, too. Sad day for me and everyone else who had fun RNGing shinies instead of chaining/MMing their lives away. :c
I can sort of understand why it was done though, since RNG is -technically- cheating.
(03-15-2011, 06:56 PM)Cshad Wrote: [ -> ] (03-15-2011, 01:55 PM)Rosencrantz Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, and RNG Reporter. If I'm not mistaken, they haven't created one with Black and White yet, right? If so, then this should be a nice tourney :>
What difference would it make if there was one?
there's not much of a difference aside from the fact that you have to work harder for pokemon with ideal IVs. Oh, and shinies become more impressive
The only Ivs that ever need to be perfect are the Speed Iv's in tournaments, as you need to make sure you go before your opponent if they're using the same Pokemon.
It'd be interesting to see what kind of RNG B/W has, though I'd assume it would just be a modification of the Dppt one (which was a modification of the RSE one). if it's not, i'd love to see what it is.
If I participate I have no idea who to run. Tornadus looks like a good option maybe.
I tried to show up for this last year, and they couldn't accomodate the number of entrants, so later entrants (who were actually around well before registration for the tourney even opened) were just turned away.
Fuck that, I am entirely not bothered this time around.
(03-15-2011, 10:19 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]I tried to show up for this last year, and they couldn't accomodate the number of entrants, so later entrants (who were actually around well before registration for the tourney even opened) were just turned away.
Fuck that, I am entirely not bothered this time around.
they doubled the entrant cap in over age of 15 (1024 entrants)..
also, i'm going.
edit: oh, and there IS indeed an RNG for this gen. it's somewhat more complicated..
edit 2:
the finals of seattle that were yesterday. Masters division.
Wish I could do this.
Minshoe become meguca
(05-15-2011, 04:28 PM)Rhymey Wrote: [ -> ]they doubled the entrant cap in over age of 15 (1024 entrants).. 
yeah i lied about this, supposedly it's still 512 everywhere but america. bleh.