Yo, I mentioned I was doing Darkstalkers (some time ago mind) so thought I'd drop a progress report off. I'm 50% done on basic moves (so 5/10 characters).
Still have all the specials to do (including the being hit by them sprites) and a few other misc things. Recently learnt that there's some hidden victory poses so I'll need to grab those as well.
(Also I have to say that the Darkstalkers 3 "Apple for you" sheet needs to be edited or scrapped, I mean the apple is a different sprite...)
P.S : When the hell did tSR get a face lift?
Wow, that sounds like great progress. And the sheet will be deleted when we have something to replace it.
Also, what do you mean, facelift?
Goemar, do you mean all the new threads and stuff like that?
That was caused by the whole TSR epidemic two months ago. I guess you can read around the Archives if you wanna see what happened.
But basically, a bunch of members did ridiculous things and mayhem happened and there was a database error that erased all the GD and RL threads.
No I meant the site itself: Resources, Submit etc. being a header at the top with the side bar just for consoles - looked a lot neater. Also made it so big sheets needed to be clicked to see full-size (something I don't agree with).
Hmmm it's gone now. I sense Dazz letting upload staff see a new version of the site a tad early by mistake... I'll ask him next time I see him on MSN.
Carrying on... I'm planning on doing Darkstalkers 3 after the first (yes I am INSANE) so the "Apple for You" sprites and all the other weird crap which appears to be in that game (Enma Seki, Inflation, Yogakubi Sarashi etc.) will be divided into each character's sheets. Of course that'll be if Sprite OCD doesn't get a hold of me and I end up just ripping the "Apple for You" sprites before then.
Another thing. It seems daft to call the first Darkstalkers "Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors" but then the rest just Darkstalkers 2 and 3. Either Darkstalkers 1, 2 and 3 or all have the subtitles. If you can't be arsed to change that I'd at least put Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors before Darkstalkers 2.
Last thing: Is anyone doing SVC Chaos: SNK Vs. Capcom?
I know some characters have been ripped but I don't think anyone is ripping SVC Chaos: SNK Vs. Capcom now, so I say go for it

Ah yeah, 4 characters have been done (good sheets as well).
Only planning on doing Mars People and Firebrand and they've not been done so I'll do them in between Darkstalkers.
Do the Capcom VS. games work with Kawaks. I've only ever tried Street Fighter Alpha 3.
Yeah they work perfectly. The SVC Plus! Hack also allows useful cheats and to play as non-playable characters (aka Firebrand).
NeoGeo Battle Coliseum is sadly AtomisWave and thus not emulated by anything decently, which is a shame as I'd love to rip Marco from that.
Sweet! More fighting game to rip

I know a lot of people find it hard to rip from beat em ups and prefer ripping from RPGs, platformers etc. But I love ripping from fighting games, I can't get enough

It's because RPGs are WAAAAY easier to rip (usually)
I might try to rip from SNK vs Capcom too but I'm not so certain
RPGs are meant to be easy? Always found them the hardest (as you have to play the whole game and they're normally very long OR have to know them fairly well to get them done with tiles easily).
CPS2 Beat 'em ups are easy to get the sprites of as Kawaks is awesome, I just don't think a lot of people look into too much. The only problem is organising them damn things as there's a crap load of them...
What's up guys. I noticed this topic and I had to throw something in here. I know I can't make a request here, but if anyone finds the time or wants to, there's this Neo-Geo Arcade game called Galaxy Fight, and Every character in it has a mugen release(even rouwe who you face only after beating the game without loosing any rounds), but I can't find Golden Done(He's the black dude in the purple jacket), and I wanted to add this game to one of my upcoming Beats of Rage projects. So just letting yall know if anyone could rip him, it would help me out a lot to.
"I can't make a request but will do anyway!"
Meh, I'll look into it. Nearly done with Sasquatch so might do this as a break.
In other news: Why the hell are there no Venom (from Marvel Vs Capcom) sprites on tSR? (Also what happened to Dazz's MvC 2 thingy?)
If no one is working on Venom I might add that to my basket as well.