Sweet, I was going to rip these ages ago but never got around to it. Is there some sort of tool out now to rip these? Back in the day when I was doing it me and Baru made some custom stuff to display them correctly - was nuts, man.
Will be a good download session me thinks! Nice work.
(03-24-2011, 05:00 PM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]Sweet, I was going to rip these ages ago but never got around to it. Is there some sort of tool out now to rip these? Back in the day when I was doing it me and Baru made some custom stuff to display them correctly - was nuts, man.
Will be a good download session me thinks! Nice work.
i have used 3 tools winrar to extract the data.cmv ,this data.cmv i have renamed to data.bin and opened it with magic iso. then i have extractet the .bin and .tmx and with the
tmx explorer i could save them as .png
but it could be that a few sprites are twofold
Sweet rips man. I was just thinking about these since I've been playing the game recently. Got enough to do myself though.