Downloading these now and will upload probably tomorrow morning!

Is there any chance you can also rip Metis sprites from P3 FES? Also, is it possible to rip the sprites for all the Personas?
(07-25-2011, 08:54 AM)fufufu Wrote: [ -> ]YOU ARE AWESOME. THANKS!
Is there any chance you can also rip Metis sprites from P3 FES? Also, is it possible to rip the sprites for all the Personas?
yes its should be posible,i will do it the next days
(07-25-2011, 11:58 AM)ken28 Wrote: [ -> ] (07-25-2011, 08:54 AM)fufufu Wrote: [ -> ]YOU ARE AWESOME. THANKS!
Is there any chance you can also rip Metis sprites from P3 FES? Also, is it possible to rip the sprites for all the Personas?
yes its should be posible,i will do it the next days
Thanks so much! Is there any chance you can extend that to Metis + Armoured Aegis + any other portraits missing from P3P as well as the Personas?
short update
i have began to rip anything trhat is possible out of P3Fes i will abloas it in around 1 hour
is uploading
Well apparently you didn't post them, but I look forward to seeing them when you do!

Whew, very nice. Can you tell me how you ripped them?
well you can do it rather easy.
1 unpack the iso
2 Rename the zu data.bin
3 open the bin with a iso extractor (e.g. Isobuster)
4 extract all tmx and bins which seems usefull
5 use the tmx explorer to open the bins und tmx files.
6 now you need time because you musst save each file seperatly.
Quote:1 unpack the iso
Quote:4 extract all tmx and bins which seems usefull
Thanks, but which programs do I need for these steps?
oh seh gerade das du deutsche/r bist.
also ich benutze Iso buster.
Iso Buster für beide Schritte?
Nice, dann werde ich demnächst mal diverse RPGs mit dieser Methode ausprobieren. Astonishia Story kommt mir da grade in den Sinn, ich hoffe mal die Tiles sind nicht allzu sehr zerstückelt.
naja tmx explorer läuft nur bei Atlus games soweit ich weiss
für die bins und tmx bei späteren schritten den tmx explorer