As with most generations, spin offs and remakes come with them, like3rd gen had the remakes of red and green, along with red rescue team as a spin-off. So this thread is here so you can post your ideas of what could possibly be coming with the new generation.
Most people thing that there will be ruby and sapphire remakes and a pokemon grey version. What do you think?
Almost definitely Kyurem will be the star in Pokemon Grey. Ill bet Ghetsis will threaten N with one of either Reshiram or Zekrom, N will have the other, then when you get to them you'll already have Kyurem. And when you beat him he'll release it and you can catch them. that is, after catching both reshiram and Zekrom at the same point as in white and black. If Im right, that would be awesome that I got it right. But really predictable.
Sequels of Ranger, mystery dungeon will be released. OF COURSE.
Ruby and Sapphire with Black and White's mechanics?
Sounds like a deal to me.
Don't forget a Pokemon Box-type game for 5th gen Pokemon. Unless they update My Pokemon Ranch to the point the origional pokemon origionating FROM THE CARD and NOT THE DS ITSELF can be exported and imported without hassle (AKA requiring BOTH present while doing so, which is based on the OT's ID and NOT the friggin' DS' ID).
That and some sort of battle pokemon game. Unless they do what they did like with the console pokemon games starring 5th gens.
(04-02-2011, 02:16 PM)Gaia Wrote: [ -> ]That and some sort of battle pokemon game. Unless they do what they did like with the console pokemon games starring 5th gens.
If Nintendo wants to have genius seniority, hal, or game freak come up with this kind of pokemon game then they better make it a cross between Colosseum/X

GoD and Stadium.
Only it should be good, unlike Colosseum/XD.
(04-02-2011, 03:10 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]Only it should be good, unlike Colosseum/XD.
XD WAS good, I own it.
I've been trying to find Colosseum but it's too expensive when I
do find it.

(04-02-2011, 02:16 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]Ruby and Sapphire with Black and White's mechanics?
Sounds like a deal to me.
That, to me, would be the best pokemon game so far.
(04-02-2011, 03:14 PM)Mighty Jetters Wrote: [ -> ] (04-02-2011, 03:10 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]Only it should be good, unlike Colosseum/XD.
XD WAS good, I own it. 
I've been trying to find Colosseum but it's too expensive when I do find it. 
Colosseum was very, very bland. Don't waste your money.
I remember when I was young, whenever I went to my cousins house, I was always pestering him to battle me on Pokemon Colosseum. Good times
Honestly, I'll be happy if they make a Pokemon game for the Wii like Battle Revolution but with a much better story mode
If they just make Pokemon Stadium, new Pokemon, the different little Cups, all of it's mini-game glory and give it wifi connection so you can battle other players and put in your own Pokemon everyone and their grandmother would want a copy.
Pokemon Snap 2
all pokemon
150 levels
I mean, I would'nt hate a R/S remake but we can already transfer from R/S with palpark.
(04-02-2011, 04:51 PM)Cshad Wrote: [ -> ]If they just make Pokemon Stadium, new Pokemon, the different little Cups, all of it's mini-game glory and give it wifi connection so you can battle other players and put in your own Pokemon everyone and their grandmother would want a copy.
given that the wi fi doesn't suck badly as Battle Revolution then I'm perfectly A-OK with this