I'm a litttttle bit unsure about what's not on the site, because some of these are from the ripping project...
Can you help me out here?
Sure thing. All those Metal Slug sprites haven't been uploaded yet (Items, Mini-Sub, Mammoth Tower, Ptolemaic Sub, Baby, the two Jellyfish sheets, Vigilance, Ptolemaic Tara and Dead Explorer).
By the way, I have a new small sheet from Aero Fighters 3:
I won't be ripping anything for a while, since I'm busy with some other things.
All saved. Do the KoF ones go into the Misc. section, or some other section?
They go into the "Support Fighters" section
I'm waiting to see what Tonberry uploads for his fighting project, after his next update I'll hunt through to see if there's something missing.
Saved the KOF. Dazz, if you want to do the MS items, I'm totally ok with that.
Now uploading the items
Edit: Before I upload everywhere, is this just the arcade series, or DS & PSX as well? Just to be sure.
I've uploaded to all Arcade sections so far.
The items are from all versions from one to seven.
These rips are really great, keep it up.