pretty epic stuff!
i really can't stand the purple patch on the top right, it draws too much attention (maybe a bit less purple and a bit more orange could be cool)
the water looks detached... maybe because of its colour scheme and the way it's shaded.
i think some lighter places could do with a darker shade in their shadows, but not much.
keep the updates coming!

sup joshia, good to see you around
Thanks guys, I did an update mostly going back to the old color scheme, and working on the mountains a bit more.
i really do think the water could be brighter!
Holy crap that's awesome!
I love the way you did the water.
The colourscheme in this is absolutely gorgeous!
The mountains and lake have a lot of detailing on them, but the trees look a little flat by comparison - there's nothing specifically anything wrong with that, since you should be looser with parts that aren't the focal point. My only problem is-- what do you want your focal point to be? Whatever you want your focus to be should be the tightest and most polished, while the other parts should be less detailed the further away they are.
I'd suggest maybe tweaking the part of the lake nearest us, and dialling the detail there back a bit, so it exaggerates the further part of the lake and the sunlit part of the mountains as your focal point. As it is the detail of the lake is drawing the eye downwards out of the image and there's nothing to really lead it back in again.
Maybe an addition of a purple hue would finish the piece?