Uhhhhhh let's see.
I've always wanted to play a Pokémon game with 3D Zelda-esque gameplay. That is, something not unlike the Mystery Dungeon games where you can control the actual Pokémon, only in a real-time adventure game with puzzles and what not. A Pokémon game in the style of the 2D Metroid/Castlevania games would be neat also.
six month bump from our friend Eternal Yoshi.
though he sparkled a discussion, so I'll leave as it is.
Metal Gear Liquid. Epic.
EDIT: Googled it and Solid Snake actually has a twin brother called Liquid. That makes it less epic.

and Advance Wars for 3DS.
that's about it, but a sonic game where you only plays as classic sonic wouldn't be bad.
Mario Kart Classic.
Basically Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64 remade in 3D with new tracks replacing the old ones and stuff. It'd have SMK's physics, Mario Kart 64's knockback, both game's extreme character stat differences, the classic karts, etc.
How about Mega Man Legends 3. :/
Konami Arcade Beat-em-Up Collection
this is never going to happen...
A Yu-Gi-Oh! game in which you can make your own cards. Come on Konami, give us some customizability!
-A new, classic-style sidescrolling Castlevania; preferably in the style of Rondo of Blood or Super CV4
-A Metroidvania-style Castlevania that builds upon the dual-player mechanic of Portrait of Ruin (honestly, I think it's a neat idea on paper; it was just poorly implemented in the main game due to Charlotte being nigh useless for about 65% of situations. And I swear to God, if they bring back Richter, Konami damn well better give him Alucard-quality sprites that match his Symphony of the Night artwork)
-The Adventures of Dan Hibiki
-Banjo Threeie
-A new Zelda game that brings back the Magic Meter (not to say that the new games suck for lacking Magic; hell, I'd be fine if the next Zelda didn't have Magic. This is more of a nitpick, really; I just think that Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword would have felt a bit more... "complete" with Magic)
-Majora's Mask 3DS (here's hoping!)
-Remake of Virtual Boy Wario Land for 3DS (or a sequel influenced by it)
F-Zero 3D/3X/ZX
Basically an F-Zero X for the 3DS, preferably a remake (like Starfox 64 and OoT) with the Expansion Kit built in. Dark Schneider should be included at least and more vehicle customizability freedom.
Now that I think of it, it could be called F-Zero XX (the second X stands for eXpansion kit)
I'll take another Custom Robo or another game developed by Retro Studios please
An official English release of Ace Attorney Investigations 2

Puggsy 2. Why, Traveller's Tales.
Why. T_T
(02-04-2012, 02:12 PM)puggsoy Wrote: [ -> ]A Yu-Gi-Oh! game in which you can make your own cards. Come on Konami, give us some customizability!
didn't they let you do this in Yugioh Online at some point?