Hey everyone, Mega Man Model T 101 again, this time bringing you a project I'm working on.
There will be a total of six playable characters, three females, three males.
At the moment I'm currently working on Samus to be the third female character, which makes her the female shooter. As for the two males, I've been kicking around who I should use, as they should also be melee users, to keep the characters balanced in a sense.
The sprite style does show the look I'm going for, for the most part, so any suggestions on who the other two guys should be? I'm thinking one should be Sonic, but I'm open to suggestions.
Hopefully I can get those characters done and the demo out this week, or next week.
Thoughts and opinions?
is this a castlevania clone with crossover characters
half the vid was text. put that in the comments box please. next time, i meant.
will you be able to switch between characters at any time? and how would the health bars (if any) work? would damage/death be distributed?
the megaman sprite looks way hunched up.
what were those characters that weren't megaman from?
the one in the red looked like an alucard edit
The two characters that aren't Mega Man, are Sakuya and Reimu from the Touhou series. Reimu is from Touhouvania, and Sakuya is from the sequel. Both are designed after the Symphony of the Night style.
You will be able to switch characters at will, so you can play as your fav anytime you want. Sometimes stages will have two parts, sometimes three. I will provide passwords pretty easily, and will try and provide a decent ammount of 1ups. Not to make it overly easy mind you.
The engine is Castlevania based in a sense, but only Reimu and Sakuya actually fit that Castlevania motif. Anyway, everyone will share the same health bar, and there are many ways to refil it. Collecting big or little hearts, or finding hidden food.
Enemies will drop said hearts at random, and every so often in candels or any other breakable object. When one character dies, all die. It kinda has a Castlevania 3 feel in that regard.
The plotline is a somewhat simple crossover, and each stage you will get a map screen of the characters walking along teh bottom of the screen. Once in awhile you'll come across a split path.
Got a progress update picture here.
Full details of the game are in the page where the image is hosted, which I'll link to below.
The progress of the demo has progressed a bit since I made that image, hopefully the demo will be out soon.
...the obvious style clashing aside, oil ocean? really? oil ocean? is sonic going to be included in this?
edit- i'm dumb and didn't read the description, ignore that part
but seriously though fix the style clashing
i, for one, would like to see sonic redone in castlevania style
Ummm, that's kinda assuming that I can make my own sprites or have found someone to do so. Not really sure if anyone would want to go through the trouble of editing or making sprites in the Castlevania style, but if so, that would be great, but otherwise, sad to say, there is going to be a bit of a style clash.
I'm sorry if that greatly displeases you, but that's how it is Vipershark. But, if you can possibly direct a great spriter to me, that would be much appreciated if it's at all possible. After all, I do have two/three characters that could use a bit of an animation boost so to speak, but it isn't entirely needed.
Still, this is going along fine still, just need to finish up the stages and add the enemies and other stuff and the demo should be out sometime after Easter.
Hey! That's not bad Fuchikoma! Would you be willing to make the custom sprites needed for this then? I can PM you the details and the characters needed and such. Just a few characters, and they all have examples.
nope. i though vipershark said he'd die to see sonic in that style and i just made it to see him die.
Aren't you doing this kind of backwards? You don't have a premise, or a title, or any real kind of gameplay objectives, but you want a crossover game, so you shove a load of unrelated characters into it.
I honestly don't see the appeal/point. Maybe you're doing it because you just happen to like those characters; but then you're building a fan crossover game for... yourself. The engine seems relatively solid; so it's a shame you're wasting it on something so mastubatory.
@ Fuchikoma, if you were going to do something like that, say it in the post with the picture you upload, cause otherwise it's going to make confusion and misconceptions, as I thought you made the sprite as an example to show what you could do for the project, not just to show something off to a member who's posted in the thread. Next time, just PM him the dumb thing.
@ GrooveMan.exe, I simply haven't revealed the plot, but I do have one, and I know where I'm going with it. I'm sorry if this whole project is coming off as some sort of stupid self service trash, but it isn't.
I'm sorry if I sounded terribly rude in the above, but no one needs to have someone just randomly doing some sort of random picture job "just to see someone die", and they don't need someone to making rather rude assumptions of their intentions.
Look at Mushroom Kingdom Fusion, it was originally just Mario going to other unrelated game worlds, and now it's become a major crossover with tons of characters to play as, each being from a different game company just about.
And I don't want to hear "Yeah but..." but nothing, the characters in in Mushroom Kingodm Fusion have about as less reason for being in the game and together than my character choices for this game. But do the character choices in Mushroom Kingdom Fusion make it a bad game? No, it's one heck of a game! Great to play, even though it's still just a beta.
I suppose what I'm trying to get at is, I'm making a different kind of crossover game than the usual style, which is generally just the characters beating each other up to determine who's the best, ect ect, but that was made a bit different with the Adventure Mode in Super Smash Bros Brawl. May not have had the absolute greatest story, but it's there, and it's pretty interesting.
I'm not trying to make something simply for the heck of it, or have some sort of hidden agenda attached to it. I'm just making a simple crossover fangame with a fairly unique plot. I just don't have a title for it, it's hard to come up with a decent semi original title now a days.
I'm sorry for a bit of the rant there, but I just don't need to be bashed like that for essentially no reason. I actually have a purely original game idea I would like to work on, but there is no way it'll come to pass, cause it can't be done in the game making program I'm using, and not to mention, I would need a team, just spriters for the sprites and backgrounds, and those who know how to write up code, as I have the plot, settings, controls, pretty much everything thought out.
I'm sorry if you guys think this project is a big fat waste of time, but unless you guys can possibly suggest a better one, and actually contribute rather than complaining "OMG STYLE CLASHING! AAAHHHHHH!" and "What kind of game is this? Self service?" I'm all ears, but if you got nothing to actually make me change the project entirely, then I'm going to continue it as is.
your project is just like a big cup of coffee.
huge, bitter, and imposible to finish alone.
your idea is nowhere near being original. it has been done before and it has been done right(and countless times done wrong). unfortunately what you got to show here is nothing but an extremely early build of something with no exact direction wich leads to believe it has been done for the sake of fapping to the overdone idea of "my favorite characters mashup"
we do not consider it as big fat waste of time. your time is actually your time and you're free to do with it whatever it pleases you to do with it. but you can't expect us to jump out of our chairs for something so bland and unrefined just because it "will" have sonic and megaman and a bunch of tohou characters. if you can manage to work and gather a considerable amount of progress on your own, its a matter of time before people would join you.
you are not being bashed for no aparent reason. if you're sharing this here is to recieve feedback, and feedback has been provided on the reason of what you have shown of this project. you need a title, even if its just a terrible generic title. its some sort of baptism for your project and the very first step to show the direction and the goal you want to reach with it. let it be "multi fushion character brawl" or whatever, it already gives an insignificant amount of substance to your progress -not to mention, isnt like you can change the title as you progress-
I wasn't even going to ask for help on this project, cause naturally, the response is "Do it yourself" way more than half the time. That's generally the response for like, 99.9% of the time. The fact that generally when some just ups and asks that is essentially a taboo. Not to mention, revealing the plot runs a risk of it possibly being stolen. Which is why I'm not revealing it, except to those I know I can essentially trust, which would be membrs contributing to the project.
Now I know the crossover concept is nothing new, or original, and I'm sorry that this is coming off as one of those lame stupid ones. I don't know......maybe it is.....*sigh* if you guys want me to cancel the project, I suppose I should. But, it's not like I have any other actual projects that are going to be any better.
This was going to be my one fan project that was actually going to go somewhere, but only to find out it's the lamest thing ever, hurts greatly.
I don't think anyone would be interested in helping me with my original game idea. Also, I had a little bit of a sqeual plot in mind for this if it went well, but it honestly won't. But then again, perhaps that plot will work a bit better than this one. I don't know, but if I were to work on that story instead, I'd need someone to make some custom sprites for the main character. They don't need to be from scratch, I know two characters the character can be made from, but that's only if you guys think it'd be better than this game project.
I can make some prologue pictures to sort of explane what this project was going to be about, I don't want to make a "Blah" game, I want to make a fun game that everyone can enjoy!
Minor note. But let's be honest, who wouldn't want to work with characters they like, and know they can do? It'd be pretty hard to wokr with characters you don't like. Chances are you will probably treat them rather unjustly, which is something I'm sure fans of the characters won't like. Just sayin.