i... i have literally nothing bad to say.
Some of the heads in those mugshots seem disproportionate. Look at the size of N compared to the trainers on the left.
Oh my gosh those stone puzzles are FANTASTIC!!
Most of the trainers faces look really weird. Specifically, the two playable characters, the girl with the green hat, and N. (Sorry I don't know the names of the newer pokemon characters). The faces are just squished.
These are really boss, especially the pokemon party icons
Cynthia and Ghestis look friggin' amazing (just maybe some shines in G's hair, like with Cheren?), however N's looking a bit stiff.
I love Belle's hair, but her face looks squished because of it. Maybe try widening her face.
Lastly, Black/White's faces look lifeless, and Black's hair is flat. I suggest trying to lean all of the hairs in a direction more like Cynthia's.
Everything else looks awesome, especially GSC starters.
(04-17-2011, 05:11 PM)Neslug Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: gsc_style_darmanitan_by_neslug-d37hk00.gif]](http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/018/c/1/gsc_style_darmanitan_by_neslug-d37hk00.gif)
![[Image: Heart.gif]](http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080326045402/zelda/images/3/38/Heart.gif)
Thanks for the comments. In my next post I'll submit any and all revisions to the previously posted mugshots (namely widening Bianca by one pixel as I'm still not quite sure what to do with the rest).
My newest mugshot set was done in a shorter time than I expected (which, for those curious, was roughly 9 hours).
The crystal-like formations on Entei's sides aren't that great but they were ridiculously hard to do as is so I'll possibly revise them later.
You did THOSE in 9 hours?! Holy cow.
Dat lineart, it's so smooth

, and 9 hours, Holy cow indeed, my only crit is that shade of yellow on Raikou and Entei, it's so dark
Maybe try to make Raikou more fierce-looking than surprised/dumb-looking.
Yeah the people are squished. And also, like guy said, the yellow is too dark and almost seems too green to be yellow.
Your ghetsis has a highliter like hair color, make it more of a light lime green.
Heh, it's kinda quirky that the player trainers share the same face template. I mean, they're basically the same character but in different genders in-game anyway.
Though that does raise the point of why a male face shape is shared with a female's. That or male guy is just an androgynous wuss.