I'm just saying what does the X-box 360 have to offer online play that you have to pay for and shitty games (ALL FPS) i mean i like geist but that is diffrent and i've played a the 360 at my friends house and a vitura boy and i thought that the vitura boy was better (just by a bit). compired to the PS3 and Wii the 360 is shit and the 360 didn't creat online play it was dreamcast.
So I think that the 360 is just a ripoff game system for Bill Gates to get more money (That greddy basterd) and the avatars are ripoff of the Mii.
Lets see...
Orange Box, Elder Scrolls, Gears of War, Rock Band, Dead Rising, Ninja Gaiden, METAL SLUG 3, Beautiful Katamari, Overlord...
Dreamcast didn't make online play either, it was pretty much MUDs that made it popular.
And when you donate more than 30 billion dollars in 8 years, then you can call Bill Gate a greedy bastard.
Yeah, pretty much wrong on ALL counts.
Hahaha...just, wow. This is laughable.
Also, Nintendo? More like GAYtendon't. hahHAHAhah 0Wned
Yeah just what Zee said, I do hate it when Bill Gates gets stick for having money or making money considering he donates so much, he is not a greedy bastard.
I also find it funny how you say its Windows who trying to make money when you look at the price of the PS3. Actually you should be thankful that the XBOX is out there so people who do not want to spend a lot just to get blu-ray can still play the games shared between the PS3 and 360.
Well the ps3 has blu-ray witch you need so the makes it expensive because of blu-ray you need blu-ray and Bill Gates does donate money to companys own by HIM so he give's him self money and yes zee if you have played a dream cast you would have notice that it has online play and besides i played orange box and it sucked just like any other shit-box game and sol the gay fanboy you can take your reply and shouve it up you ass and i am going to say some ps excluseves and ninja gaiden is on the ps3 to:
Jak series, Ratch series, twisted metal series, kingdom hearts 1 and 2, Metal Gear Solid series, Dark colud series, guitar hero (the frist and the gratest), tekken series, Monster hunter series, ATV offroad series, singstar series, resistance series, infomus, LITTLE BIG PLANTE.
and now for the Nintendo excluseves:
Star fox series, mario series, donkey knog series, legend of zelda series, super smash bros series, no more heroes, Geist, kirby series, wario series, animal crossing series, Bleach series, Brane age serie, Wii fit, Elite beat agents.
(08-07-2008, 03:56 PM)siteboy3456 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm just saying what does the X-box 360 have to offer online play that you have to pay for and shitty games (ALL FPS) i mean i like geist but that is diffrent and i've played a the 360 at my friends house and a vitura boy and i thought that the vitura boy was better (just by a bit). compired to the PS3 and Wii the 360 is shit and the 360 didn't creat online play it was dreamcast.
So I think that the 360 is just a ripoff game system for Bill Gates to get more money (That greddy basterd) and the avatars are ripoff of the Mii.
I wish I could've made a topic as awesome as this one.
Well, if all this is going to be a thick-headed flame-bait topic with no permission for discussion. I know what to do.
If you make another baiting topic like this, I'll give you the day off.