For some odd reason when I set my fan speeds to 100% they will drop to 32% after a couple of minutes. Any ideas to why this is? (kinda critical if figure out whats happening soon. It's gotten to the point that I have to leave the side of the case off.

Have you checked your BIOS? There's an option in newer boards to set the fan so that it reserves power. If it's randomly hitting higher rpm then slowing back down again it might be that it's basically trying to keep a constant temp and the probe is fucked. Have a look around or alternatively let me know which board you own.
Checked that but there was nothing there. (fairly old board, cant run anything higher then a P4).
Do the fans rev up again at any point or do they drop and stay down? Also; what kind of PSU do you have? Might be an issue with the wattage produced... Maybe and ugh, Did you run the fans at 100% before or have you just started this due to a heat issue?
I've always run the fans at a hundred percent before. They usually stay down until the CPU starts getting close to the high 70's early 80's mark. As for the PSU I'm not entirely sure I'll have to check. I've noticed recently that when ever the CPU usage gets above 90 it will definitely drop and it will drop at random times if it is below 90.
Also I forgot to mention that I can turn the fans back up after they've dropped but they usually drop a couple of seconds later.