I like how in the representations of atlas he looks like a pokeball.
(time to play minecraft)
I finished the game. Absolutely brilliant, that's all I'm gonna say.
About how long was it? (time, test chambers, etc)
Also, is anyone looking to play some co op later today? My friend decided that he wasn't going to pre order it
SHE FIZZLED MY CUBEZ!!1!!11one1!!!!1!
Played up until she revealed that she lied to me about my surprise before I had to go to bed. I'll play more when I get home from work. The game is really fantastic.

blech. I am in the sewers right now, gonna get back to playing in a couple hours. Still no one wanting to play co-op?
"Fuck it, lets just make people pay for animations too."
Because I certainly didn't point that shit out before.
Okay, I laughed at Atlas Shrug but still
I swear, if Valve pulls this shit with Episode 3, I'm done with Valve forever.
(04-18-2011, 02:14 AM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]Also, to all English members... Is the voice of your companion at the start the voice of the guy who does the Barclays adverts?
Yes it is, Stephan Merchant.
He co wrote The Office, and Extras.
He's Ricky Gervais' agent in extras.
He also appears in An Idiot Abroad, and The Ricky Gervais Show.
Super 8 'interactive' trailer in extras, peace.
(04-18-2011, 02:14 AM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]So I've been playing Portal 2, and I have to say that it really is a fantastic game. Simply everything so far that I have played has really made me feel like I am playing a sequel to Portal, and not just Portal 1 again.
I would go into more depth but I am about to fly to Scotland. I really suggest this game to fans of the first, otherwise the story might not make any sense...
Also, to all English members... Is the voice of your companion at the start the voice of the guy who does the Barclays adverts?
I have a question for you Dazz, since your playing portal did J.K. Simmons (Cave Johnson) get alot of voice time in the game or is it spread out alot? I'm sure stephen merchant got alot of voice time.