(05-20-2011, 04:06 PM)RétroX Wrote: [ -> ]I don't get why people hate the idea of copying an idea from someone else and making it better
help im laughing too hard
i like minecraft more than this
i can't find much at all to do in this other than build a house full of obsolete furniture and go mining in dungeons full of bosses that have too much health
(05-20-2011, 04:28 PM)Cure for Cancer Wrote: [ -> ] (05-20-2011, 04:06 PM)RétroX Wrote: [ -> ]I don't get why people hate the idea of copying an idea from someone else and making it better
help im laughing too hard
to be fair thats pretty much how the creative process works - you can't build something from nothing, you have to take influence from other things (nothing is completely original)
that being said, this game is less influenced by minecraft as much as it is literally minecraft 2d, and by the looks of it, a BAD minecraft 2d
it wouldn't have been so offensive if they gave the game some original function that sets it apart from minecraft, but instead it looks like they chose to literally copy it in one less dimension
Notch has officially trademarked Mining, Crafting, and the tools used for said actions.
sorry, that's just too funny
but i guess the man knows his rights
(it was a joke. im trying to point out how ignorant everyone is saying it's a minecraft ripoff.)
so THAT'S why it was funny
I love the fact that everybody seems to ignore things like NPCs and The Corruption and shit.
Oh, and it adds Blood Moon.
That's because they aren't that big of a gameplay aspect? They pretty much equate to add-ons more than actual gameplay elements.
Remember that review someone posted the other day?
Well it's been taken down.
The comments of the video, oh my god
(05-23-2011, 10:50 PM)Woppet* Wrote: [ -> ]Remember that review someone posted the other day?
Well it's been taken down.
Honestly, yeah, some of the remarks that the first video made were pretty funny and it was entertaining.
But these guys are literally complete douchebags and can't learn when to stop in other aspects.
the best gamers are awesome
pssst: they aren't trying to do serious reviews like 90% of the times. sometimes, their reviews actually reflect their own opinion, but they're just in character in every review they make.
the best gamers is like, imagine someone from the 90s, who thinks that Doom and Duke Nukem are the most awesome thing. Then make him do reviews.
The terraria review is even funnier if you've already seen their minecraft review

(05-24-2011, 07:23 PM)Rökkan Wrote: [ -> ]the best gamers are awesome
pssst: they aren't trying to do serious reviews like 90% of the times. sometimes, their reviews actually reflect their own opinion, but they're just in character in every review they make.
the best gamers is like, imagine someone from the 90s, who thinks that Doom and Duke Nukem are the most awesome thing. Then make him do reviews.
Well uh, yeah, but there's a difference between ridiculing something and legitimately insulting it. 95% of the Terraria review was ridiculing. The last part with the obnoxious laughing and deviantArt thing (despite being funny) was still pretty insulting imo. Making the video when the original was taken down wasn't really funny; just more like "I AM BEST GAMER I BEST THE GAMES I AM BEST"