...Pikmin 3's going to be on the totally awesome new console? Just radular. My hopes of ever playing it are destroyed right here and now, as I will never buy any sort of dumb touch screen consoles.
I'm gonna go ahead and call it. I bet there will be a new Zelda: Four Sword game.
I mean, the reason the first once wasn't sucsessful is because not many people had access to 4 Gameboy Advances and 4 GC to GBA cables.
I'd welcome that to be honest. Always wanted to play the first one but it was too inconvenient.
And i doubt we'll see another 2D Zelda game for a long time so if they make it anything like the first one that would be cool too.
Maybe they'll release it on download.
if they don't make an advance wars game for this (not battalion wars, that was a spin off) i will murder someone
Lol calling software before any actual hardware is made official.
Or have you forgotten that the 3DS is (at this stage) just as viable a format for any of these games to show up on?
No they literally confirmed that Pikmin 3 was far into development on the Wii and were considering giving it the Twilight Princess treatment if it isn't released by the time the next home console arrives.
They should add taste. If they did, I would
actually buy cooking mama. I would just lick my virtual ice cream
(definitely not joking here

(05-06-2011, 08:57 PM)tobigoodboy621 Wrote: [ -> ]They should add taste. If they did, I would actually buy cooking mama. I would just lick my virtual ice cream ALL DAY.
![[Image: omnomnomw.png]](http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/6022/omnomnomw.png)
(definitely not joking here
Uhhh that's gross. Especially after you already smudge it and everything.
Wii Feel...Together~
![[Image: funnybrock.gif]](http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/1967/funnybrock.gif)
of course it would be gross, I was in no way serious with that. (by the way I wrote that while eating ice cream so i kind of had food on my mind

Aw man now you make me want ice cream.

(05-06-2011, 08:57 PM)tobigoodboy621 Wrote: [ -> ]They should add taste.
'Oh hey man, I forgot my controller, can we take turns?'
Not gross if it cures cancer.
(05-08-2011, 09:39 PM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]Not gross if it cures cancer.
I can see the headlines:
'Video game company Nintendo hides
the cure for cancer from the world for over
10 years. Don't support the traitors to humanity, don't buy the Nintendo feel. Unless, of course, you have cancer and want the cure.
(05-13-2011, 09:08 PM)tobigoodboy621 Wrote: [ -> ] (05-08-2011, 09:39 PM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]Not gross if it cures cancer.
I can see the headlines:
'Video game company Nintendo hides the cure for cancer from the world for over 10 years. Don't support the traitors to humanity, don't buy the Nintendo feel. Unless, of course, you have cancer and want the cure.
You're both silly, nintendo doesn't have the cure cancer.
We do....
(05-04-2011, 08:53 AM)[fish in space] Wrote: [ -> ]vuper's makin' da moves B]
but yeah, how is this "textured" screen supposed to work anyway? liquid metal??