So I found this video on Youtube comparing the old intro of OOT to the new 3DS version...
I don't mean to sound perhaps like an oldfag, but isn't the new one missing the whole... Ambience, of the original game? Not just the night scenery, and the fact that they decided to reposition the camera at times to show the mountain, but things like the end there, with the must non-haunting trees I've ever seen, and a tunnel about as spooky as it is interesting.
Just me? It seems that they decided to just retexture and add a couple polys in, instead really remaking the game. I think that's a bit of a copout, not so much as I originally expected however. I imagined no additional work being put in at first, and simply putting the 3D effect in.
Capcom style remake this ain't.
Looks fine to me. A little saturated, but I'm a huge homo for saturation anyway. Besides that, it's only the intro movie.
they made everything yellow instead of... sunsetty looking
plus the distance fog of the original gives it a kind of ominous look
definitely not an improvement

yeah i see what you're saying
another example is the gohma fight -
![[Image: zelda-gohma.jpg]](
The original's lighting is notably darker and more... i dunno, sinister?
Now I'm not entirely sure if this'll affect how much I like the 3DS remake (assuming I'll get it when I get a 3DS), or if it'll be a problem at all since we've only seen a few parts of the remake anyway, but I dunno, the nicer graphics kind of take away from the cartoony realism (if that makes any sense) that the original had.
Yeah, from the screenshots I saw a little while ago it definitely looks lighter; the room where you fight Phantom Ganon didn't look especially spooky any more :c
It might just be a product of seeing it on a computer screen. The 3DS screen isn't especially bright so it might be that they're compensating for that.
It still looks like a late N64 game (especially texture-wise), which is inexcusable considering the 3DS's power, and from that screenshot Glukom posted the aliasing looks horrible. (Also the yellow fog looks pretty bad.)
These remakes and sequels need to go back to consoles anyway. I mean portability is great and all, but imagine playing a full-fledged HD remake of OOT (or any other game, or even Mega Man Legends 3) on a huge TV with surround sound. I guess they might come out with a Game Boy Player-like device at some point, but still, the improvements in processing power and better graphics hardware would do wonders.
fortunately, emulators can do this
oot already looks insanely good with the HD texture mods and in 1080p (and i'm pretty sure you can do like 8x AA as well) and people are experimenting with replacing the current models with higher poly ones
pretty soon you'll be ale to play the original game in true HD.
legend of nostalgia: overrated of time.
nice parroting of BAB there love
yep looks p.lame so far, but to me this is a good thing now I don't feel any need to get it
oh well not that I was going to get it anyways I never even beat the original and its a p.beautiful game even if it's overrated
i think
the more saturated and contrasting colors benefit the games art direction more than the fanmade high-res packs look. they look terrible and don't compliment the art direction or atmosphere of the game
Well flashy colours will look neater in 3D.
Can't wait to see how un-scary Dead Hand is now.
I don't mind unscary Dead Hand.
... if this were a toon Link game...
I am all for making Dead Hand less scary because I was absolutely fucking terrified of Dead Hand, okay.